Natural cancer screening tomato extract effective against growth of gastric cancer tumors

Natural cancer screening tomato extract effective against growth of gastric cancer tumors / Health News
Physicians are studying the health effects of eating tomatoes
In the fight against cancer, scientists are also searching in nature for substances that can be used in the context of cancer therapy. Researchers have now found that the extract from certain varieties of tomatoes can inhibit the growth of gastric cancer.

The researchers of the Oncology Research Center of Mercogliano found in their study that tomato extracts from two different southern Italian varieties can be used to treat stomach cancer. The researchers published the results of their study in the journal "Journal of Cellular Physiology".

Many people like to eat tomatoes. But not only the taste of tomatoes seems to be a good reason for their consumption, but researchers have now found out that certain types of tomato even protect against gastric cancer. (Africa Studio /

Certain tomato varieties inhibit gastric cancer growth
The extract of two southern Italian tomato varieties can inhibit the growth of gastric cancer and its malignant degeneration. These tomatoes not only improve prevention but can also be used to support conventional therapies, say the experts.

Antitumoral effects are not only related to lycopene
The detected antitumor effect does not appear to be linked to specific components such as lycopene, the researchers say. The tomatoes should rather be considered in their entirety, explains author Daniela Barone of the Oncology Research Center of Mercogliano.

The varieties San Marzano and Corbarino inhibit the growth of cancer
The experiments analyzed lipophilic whole tomato extracts for their ability to combat various neoplastic features of gastric cancer cell lines. It has been found in the current study that tomatoes of the varieties San Marzano and Corbarino inhibit the growth and the so-called cloning behavior of malignant cells, say the scientists.

The tomato extract impairs key processes within the cells
Treatment with the whole tomato extracts affected the key processes within the cells. This has hindered their so-called migration ability to stop the cell cycle by modulating retinoblastoma proteins and specific cell cycle inhibitors, the researchers explain. Ultimately, this process induces the death of cancer cells by apoptosis.

Specific nutrients can support therapies
Our findings provide a further assessment of the potential use of specific nutrients, say the authors. This not only applies to cancer screening, specific nutrients can also be used as a supportive strategy along with conventional therapies, the experts add.

What favors the emergence of stomach cancer
Gastric cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer worldwide and is associated with genetic causes such as Helicobacter pylori infection and certain eating habits, such as the consumption of smoked and salted foods.

So far, few studies have examined the effects of whole tomato consumption
Tomatoes are consumed worldwide and they are a staple of the Mediterranean diet. This form of nutrition is said to reduce the risk of cancer, explain the doctors. The current study analyzed various tomato components for their ability to counteract tumor growth in experimental systems. So far, there have been few studies that have analyzed the effects of tomatoes in their entirety, the authors explain. (As)