Natural relief of high blood pressure through healthy eating and stress management

Natural relief of high blood pressure through healthy eating and stress management / Health News

Risk factor for cardiovascular diseases: This can lower high blood pressure

Health experts say about 30 percent of the adult population in the Western world suffer from high blood pressure. Also in this country, hypertension is considered a widespread disease. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for dangerous cardiovascular disease. Although the disease is often treated with drugs, there are also gentler methods to lower blood pressure.

Risk factor number one for cardiovascular diseases

According to the German Hypertension League (DHL), about 20 to 30 million people in this country suffer from hypertension. Untreated hypertension is the number one risk factor for cardiovascular disease and therefore responsible for many deaths from myocardial infarction or stroke. People who are affected often get medicines quickly, but to lower their blood pressure you do not necessarily have to resort to medication. Often gentler methods also lead to success.

Hypertension has long become a common disease. Although the disease is often treated with medication, in many cases it can also lower blood pressure in a natural way. (Image:

Overweight and poor diet as causes

High blood pressure is not felt by the patients for a long time and often only occurs when it causes organ damage. He is therefore - as well as other diseases - referred to as a "silent killer".

Hypertension is defined by a systolic blood pressure greater than 140 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure greater than 90 mmHg. Meanwhile, however, the voices are growing, suggesting that 120 instead of 140 should be the new blood pressure target.

In addition to overweight or obesity, too little exercise, an unhealthy, too salty diet, tobacco and increased alcohol consumption and stress are considered as risk factors.

Although almost every third German citizen is affected, many suspect nothing of their high blood pressure. Some think hypertension is an "old age disease". But this assumption is wrong.

More and more children with hypertension

Although older people are the most affected, younger people are increasingly affected as well. Even more and more children and adolescents have too high blood pressure because they are overweight, reports the German High Pressure League (DHL) in a statement.

"Every fourth child with obesity suffers from hypertension," said Professor Wühl of DHL. In overweight children, the proportion is about seven percent. But also normal-weight children can get hypertension.

Blood pressure is lower in children and adolescents than in adults. Professor Wühl explained: "A value of 120 to 80 mm Hg, which is optimal for adults, is just normal for a 12-year-old, too high for a 6-year-old, for a 3-year-old is a severe hypertension and at a newborn an emergency. "

In the case of obese children, the treatment is initially based on a lifestyle change. "When the children lose weight and do sports, usually normalizes the blood pressure," said Professor Wühl.

One quarter of the patients are not treated

If this fails, medications can sometimes be used. This also applies to adults who can not lower their high blood pressure by natural means.

"In the meantime, the proportion of hypertensive patients treated with antihypertensive agents has risen to around 75 percent; controlled treatment rates are at least 50 percent," explained Professor Dr. med. med. Bernhard Krämer, chairman of DHL, in an older press release.

However, this still means that around a quarter of people with high blood pressure are not treated at all and the other half are not enough.

Lower blood pressure naturally

Often, hypertension can be reduced even without medication. In addition to weight loss, regular exercise and quitting smoking, a balanced, healthy diet can help reduce blood pressure.

Very important here is: salt only in moderation. A high salt diet can increase blood pressure. Not more than four to six grams of salt should be consumed per day. It should be noted that also in most finished products often large amounts of salt are included.

The diet should generally contain a lot of fruits and vegetables. Especially recommended are garlic, beetroot juices and hawthorn.

Also recommended is Mediterranean fare with olive oil and vegetables, as British researchers could show.

According to scientific research, hot chillies and natural yoghurt can also reduce high blood pressure.

Also a magnesium supplement helps in many cases. Alcohol should be avoided as much as possible.

In addition, stress relief exercises such as yoga or autogenic training can be very effective and have a positive effect on high blood pressure levels.

Some home remedies for hypertension such as Kneipp's applications can provide good support. (Ad)