Natural cancer screening Red onions can kill cancer cells

Natural cancer screening Red onions can kill cancer cells / Health News
Active ingredients in red onions protect against cancer
Cancer is a widespread disease around the world, which often leads to the death of those affected. People have been looking for ways to prevent or fight cancer for a long time. Researchers have now discovered that red onions are able to effectively kill cancer cells.

Researchers at the University of Guelph found in their study that red onions are very effective in fighting cancer cells. The doctors published a press release on the results of their study.

Red onions, for example, are particularly suitable for the refinement of salads or other foods. Researchers have now discovered that red onions can also help kill cancer cells. (Image: Matthias Faller /

Researchers are studying five types of onions
For the first time, the current study looks at how effective Ontario-grown bulbs are in killing cancer cells. The experts were able to determine that not all types of onions offer the same positive effects against cancer cells. In total, five different types of Ontario onions were studied, explains author Professor Suresh Neethirajan.

Red onions contain a lot of quercetin and anthocyanin
In recent years, there were always reports of so-called superfood. So far, onions have not been considered as such superfoods. This could change now. Because onions contain one of the highest concentrations of quercetin, the researchers say. Ontario onions boast that they contain particularly high concentrations of this compound compared to onions from the rest of the world, the researchers report. The doctors also found that red onions also contain high levels of anthocyanins, author Abdulmonem Murayyan explains.

The darkest red onions contain the most anthocyanin
Anthocyanin is instrumental in providing color to fruits and vegetables. The onions with the darkest color can therefore also most effectively fight cancer cells, explain the doctors. The current study examined the placement of colon cancer cells in direct contact with extracted quercetin from the five types of onions tested.

Why are onions so effective against cancer?
We found out on our research that onions are excellent at killing cancer cells, says Murayyan. Onions would activate pathways that cause the cancerous cells to undergo cell death. They provide an unfavorable environment for cancer cells and interfere with communication between cancer cells, which inhibits growth, the expert adds.

Further research is needed
Other researchers had previously stated that onions are effective in killing breast cancer cells. The herbal forces to fight cancer now need to be screened in further human studies, author Murayyan explains.

Scientists develop new technique for extracting quercetin
In the current study, the researchers used a new extraction technique for Quercetin, which works without the use of chemicals. This makes the Quercetin from onions better suited for consumption. Other methods of extraction use solvents that can leave a toxic residue, adds author Professor Neethirajan.

Active ingredient of red onions clinically usable?
This new method of extraction uses only superheated water in a pressure vessel, explains the expert. The development of a chemistry-free method of extraction is important because it allows the anti-cancer properties of onions to be used in so-called nutraceuticals (functional foods) and in the form of pills, the physician explains.

In the future, onion extract in juices and baked goods?
Consumers can already add this superfood to their salads and other foods to help prevent possible cancer. In the future, the onion extract could also be added to food products such as juice or baked goods, the experts speculate. Probably, the drug will eventually be available in the form of pills for natural cancer treatment, the authors add. (As)