Naturally healthy lifestyle helps with diabetes

Naturally healthy lifestyle helps with diabetes / Health News

Diabetes: Study to help you move towards a healthy lifestyle


Diabetes is often associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. Obesity, lack of exercise and unbalanced diet are considered to be significant factors here. But lifestyle changes are often difficult to implement. With a new telemedical procedure, Professor dr. Stephan Martin, Chief Physician of the West German Diabetes and Health Center (WDGZ), and colleagues on Type 2 diabetics to provide assistance on the way to a natural-healthy lifestyle.

„The lifestyle of people with type 2 diabetes is a key determinant of the disease process“, reports the West German Diabetes and Health Center. Dealing with the disease requires a great deal of knowledge, but in particular also consistency and discipline, according to the WDGZ communication. This is where the Telemedicine Lifestyle Program (TeLiPro) comes in, which is currently being tested by the diabetologists of the WDGZ in Düsseldorf with the support of the German Institute for Telemedicine and Health Promotion (DITG).

Telemedical support of type 2 diabetics
The West German Diabetes and Health Center is still looking for participation in the current study on the new telemedicine program „Diabetics who want to activate and lose their metabolism.“ The interdisciplinary team around Professor Martin explores how adhering to the recommendations contributes to a naturally healthy lifestyle „Type 2 diabetes can be supported by telemedical guidance“ can. For this purpose, all subjects are equipped with telemedical devices (scales, pedometer), which transmit their determined values ​​to an online portal, which the subjects and scientists can view at any time. Over a year, the study participants should use the telemedicine devices. Accompanying a formula diet is carried out in the first twelve weeks. The scientists hope that many participants in the course of lifestyle change in the long term without medication or insulin

Diabetics wanted for study participation
According to the WDGZ, all type 2 diabetics whose blood glucose value HbA1c is below 7.5 percent, who have a body mass index (BMI) of 27 or more and who have at least two different antihypertensive agents are eligible for the study. Taking diabetics. The age is limited to 25 to 79 years. Excluded from the participations are people with acute infections or „other diagnosed chronic diseases than type 2 diabetes mellitus, e.g. Cancer, COPD, asthma, dementia, chronic bowel disease, psychosis, cirrhosis, renal insufficiency“, so the message of the WDGZ. Even those who undergo chemotherapy or cortisone treatment or have an intolerance to soy can not participate. This also applies to pregnant women and women in lactation. If you are interested in participating in the study, diabetics can register at this link. (Fp)

Picture: Sigrid Rossmann