Of course, plaque-free manuka honey is said to help against dental plaque

Of course, plaque-free manuka honey is said to help against dental plaque / Health News
Plaque-free instead of toothless
The German oral health study from the year 2016 shows a significant decrease in caries diseases since 1997. Nevertheless, most Germans know the painful "hole in the tooth". Because: tooth decay has different causes. On the one hand, it is harmful bacteria in the oral cavity and in the dental plaque (plaque), especially Streptococcus mutans. Bacteria like these promote the problem, explains the information center for caries prophylaxis. The bacterial degradation of sugary foods such as chocolate, biscuits or fruit yoghurts produces acids that attack the enamel and deprive it of minerals - so caries. The more sugar we eat and the longer it stays in the mouth, the greater the risk that our teeth will be damaged.

Take caries and gingivitis seriously
Regular oral hygiene is important. Because: In addition to tooth decay, inflammation of the tooth bed (gingivitis / periodontitis) is one of the most common diseases of the mouth. A gingivitis arises like decay by bacteria in the plaque that are not part of the oral flora. Due to lack of hygiene "bad" bacteria and germs get the upper hand. They produce poisons that irritate the gums and provoke a defense reaction of the immune system. Failure to treat the resulting inflammation can have serious consequences, including tooth loss. The teeth should therefore be thoroughly cleaned at least twice a day with a good toothpaste. Dentists recommend removing plaque and food scraps with an electric toothbrush.

Manuka honey has a calming, soothing effect and is therefore a good home remedy for after-effects. (Image: Whitebox Media / fotolia.com)

Tooth healthy diet
For strong teeth, jaw bones, tooth roots, gums and the teeth themselves must be sufficiently supplied with vitamins and minerals. This is especially true for the structure of the dentition in childhood. Because even at an early age, dental health is shaped for the rest of your life. In particular, calcium provides a hard, resistant tooth enamel. The important mineral substance is found in milk, dairy products, but also in green vegetables such as spinach or kale. Sugar and white flour, however, should be consumed only in moderation. Sticky sweets such as gummy bears are particularly dangerous as they stick to the tooth for a long time.

Unfortunately, many healthy fruits are not good for your teeth. For example, pineapple, apples and citrus fruits contain natural acids that soften tooth enamel, making them more susceptible to tooth decay. After the meal and also the "small fruit meal" wait about half an hour before you brush your teeth. Because the enamel is soft after eating and slowly hardens back into its normal state. Brushing your teeth right after eating, especially with the powerful, electric toothbrush, can literally "scrub down" the still soft enamel - so that it is more harmful than neat.

Manuka honey against plaque and periodontal disease
Honey for tooth decay and gingivitis? At first this sounds paradoxical, because honey consists mainly of fruit and glucose, which can be food for acid-forming bacteria. Not so real New Zealand Manuka honey. Although it contains fructose and glucose like all other honeys, it counteracts tooth decay and periodontitis. Manuka honey has a strong antibacterial effect due to the active ingredient methylglyoxal (MGO). Harmful bacteria that colonize the oral flora and bacteria that are formed during the degradation of sugar are reliably killed. Bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans and porphyromonas gingivalis have no chance of attacking teeth and gums. The protective effect of New Zealand manuka honey even surpasses the anti-cariogenic effect of xylitol, which is used in dentifrice chewing gum. The fact that manuka honey prevents tooth problems sustainably has been scientifically proven in several studies.

Studies prove the effectiveness of Manuka honey
Already in 2004, researchers Helen English and Peter C. Molan from the University of Waikato in New Zealand demonstrated in their pilot study that manuka honey effectively reduces plaque due to its highly antibacterial effect, thus preventing inflammatory diseases in the mouth.

In 2010, Prathibha Nayak, a specialist in dentistry at NIMS University in Jaipur, India, compared the anti-plaque effects of manuka honey, chlorhexidine and xylitol (xylitol). The result: Manuka honey performed significantly better than xylitol, a sugar substitute that has been proven to have an anti-cariogenic effect and is often used in sugar-free chewing gum.

In 2011, Cecile Badet from the University of Bordeaux investigated the effect of manuka honey on the Gram-positive bacterium Streptococcus mutans, the main cause of caries, as well as on a biofilm of various bacterial strains. Manuka honey was able to reduce all pathogens to a minimum.

Gesine Schäfer from the University of Jena also dedicated her PhD thesis in 2011 to the relationship between manuka honey and dental health. Only genuine Manuka honey contains in high concentration the antibacterial agent methylglyoxal (MGO). The researcher unambiguously identified MGO as the substance that could inhibit the gram-negative bacterium porphyromonas gingivalis. P. gingivalis triggers gingivitis.

Manuka honey thus helps to maintain a healthy oral flora and prevent dental problems. Nevertheless, manuka honey should not be used constantly and in no case as a substitute for the toothbrush due to its sugar content. To the individual applications of original MGO Manuka honeys you will advise in the health food stores and directly at the importer New Zealand house.

Prathibha Anand Nayak, R. Mythili R .: Effect of Manuka honey, chlorhexidine gluconate and xylitol on the clinical levels of dental plaque (Contemporary Clinical Dentistry., 2010 Oct; 1 (4): 214-7.).

Helen K. English, Peter C. Molan: The effects of manuka honey on plaque and gingivitis: a pilot study (Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology, 2004 Apr; 6 (2): 63-7)

C. Badet: The in vitro effect of manuka honeys on growth and adherence of oral bacteria (Anaerobic. 2011 Feb; 17 (1): 19-22)

Gesine Schäfer: Antibacterial effect of honey on Porphyromonas gingivalis, University of Jena 2011