Of course, going barefoot is healthy and supports the muscles

Of course, going barefoot is healthy and supports the muscles / Health News
Barefoot running against sweaty feet and for better musculature
People who walk barefoot often not only strengthen their muscles, but also train the resilience of their feet. Also against sweaty feet in summer, it is recommended to walk around more often with bare feet.

The most natural thing in the world
Thanks to the warm temperatures, it is finally time for the feet to be treated with more freedom. Now your feet are allowed in the air, in sandals or even without: barefoot. "Some have not done that since childhood. It is the most natural thing in the world to walk without shoes, "writes the German Green Cross (DGK) in a recent report. If you walk regularly barefoot, you will eventually develop a strong, resistant sole that is insensitive to minor obstacles.

Finally take off your shoes: Barefoot running not only trains the resistance of the feet, but also strengthens the muscles. (Image: minicel73 / fotolia.com)

Walking barefoot strengthens muscles and tissues
Regular barefoot walking not only trains the resistance of the feet but also strengthens muscles and tissues. Foot and calf muscles benefit from barefoot running. Unevenness of the ground is compensated by the foot. In addition, the feet demand agility. This also trains muscles that are not stressed when walking in tight shoes. So some foot deformity and later foot pain could be prevented by barefoot walking. According to the experts of the DGK, there is no need to worry about temporary barefoot walking due to an overload on the arch of the foot: "Our foot is designed so that it can absorb high pressure loads."

Diabetics need to be careful
Being without shoes brings even more health benefits. So you have, for example, less back problems by barefoot running and stimulates the circulation. Also against sweaty feet it is recommended to walk around more often with bare feet. Unfortunately, barefoot walking is not recommended for people with diabetes. Because with them the pain is often disturbed. Therefore, there is a risk of infection if they do not immediately notice foot injuries. (Ad)