Wet and cold weather? Do we catch cold faster when it's colder?

Wet and cold weather? Do we catch cold faster when it's colder? / Health News
Extremely cold weather: now threatening more colds?
In many areas of Germany, there is currently a bitter cold. Anyone traveling outside despite the low temperatures runs the risk of catching an infection, because cold is said to increase the risk of colds. Is that true??

If you get cold faster in the cold?
The current winter storm low provides in many areas of Germany for clashing cold. If you are still outside, you should pack as warm as possible, put on a cap and do not go out with wet hair, because in the vernacular you usually catch cold. Therefore, you are then guilty of his dripping nose, cough and fever. Is that true??

Currently, many people are in bed with the flu or cold. The currently low temperatures are only one reason for the numerous infections. (Image: Elnur / fotolia.com)

Temperatures are not irrelevant
Given the low temperatures, it is suspected that it could now lead to more colds and flu cases. But this conclusion is not that simple, as experts explain in a message from the dpa news agency.

Cold weather alone does not necessarily make you sick - but the temperatures are not irrelevant because viruses are easier to play in the cold.

For example, influenza viruses survived longer in the outer environment, the drier and colder it is, said Silke Buda of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

Current flu season started early
The flu epidemic is, however, started this season regardless of the current cold. According to the data, the new flu phase started just before Christmas 2016, a few weeks earlier than in the past two seasons.

According to data from the Working Group on Influenza at the RKI, laboratory tests from the onset of the flu epidemic up to the beginning of January have confirmed an influenza illness in around 2,600 people.

However, not all illnesses are reported. "There is already a clear virus circulation," said Buda. It is said that older people have so far been affected by serious illnesses.

Deaths from the flu
According to the agency report, several outbreaks have been reported in hospitals in various states - and nine deaths, eight of them in people over the age of 60 years.

"That's also reminiscent of the 2014/15 season," says Buda. According to estimates of the RKI, around 20,000 people died of influenza at that time. Although Buda does not want to overstate the current situation: "But we already have an eye on it. An anxious one. "

One focus of the event is Bavaria. The Minister of Health of the Free State, Melanie Huml (CSU) has pointed out that vaccination is still useful now. "Flu is not a harmless cold", warns the politician, who is a doctor herself.

But whether a flu vaccine makes sense, everyone must decide for themselves. The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) will recommend that people over the age of 60, pregnant women, the chronically ill, residents of retirement and nursing homes as well as medical staff be vaccinated against influenza. Ultimately, however, in the flu vaccine pros and cons weigh against each other.

Respiratory system more prone to cold air
As the president of the German Society for General Medicine and Family Medicine, Erika Baum, explained in the dpa report, the upper respiratory tract in cold air has been shown to be more susceptible.

In addition, especially children over the head could cool down quite quickly, as he is hairy in them relatively large and thin. Baum also noted that cold or wet feet have been shown to cause bladder infections.

Lots of exercise and warm foot baths can help against ice feet.

Various factors play a role
According to RKI expert Buda, many seasonal factors influenced the spread of respiratory diseases such as the flu and colds: "Temperature, weather and humidity play a role, but not the decisive one."

Thus, for example, vaccination protection in the population, the novelty of a virus variant and also the immune system of the individual would have an influence.

Furthermore, most people spend the winter in closed, heated rooms, which can dry out the mucous membranes. In places where many people are staying, it is also more likely to get infected.

Protect against infections
Therefore, healthy people should keep their distance from the infected and those infected should not spread the virus. It is important for both groups to wash their hands frequently. In addition, it makes sense to strengthen the immune system to prevent diseases such as influenza.

A flu infection, the "simple" cold can be caught several times a year. The symptoms start slowly and fade away after a few days. This is a known difference between cold and flu. The latter occurs quite suddenly.

For self-treatment of flu and colds, it is important, among other things, to drink a lot and to rest. In addition, there are many home remedies that help against colds. (Ad)