Ministry examines perchlorate in fruits and vegetables

Ministry examines perchlorate in fruits and vegetables / Health News

Perchlorate in fruits and vegetables - Ministry wants enlightenment


In recent days, it has become publicly known that fruit and vegetables have been found by the chemical perchlorate. Now the Federal Ministry of Consumer Affairs wants to work on the speedy clarification of the causes.

Component of rocket fuel on food
In a report by the Norddeutscher Rundfunk a few days ago the chemical load of fruit and vegetables in this country was reported. The current research of the NDR consumer magazine „market“ revealed that almost every sample tested was contaminated with perchlorate. („“Perchlorate is a chemical used in anti-hyperthyroid drugs but is also a component of rocket fuel and fireworks. The research examined 17 samples from different countries of origin, which were purchased from discounters, supermarkets and at the weekly market. Perchlorate was found in almost every sample, in three even far more than the maximum recommended by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. These were watermelon from Spain and lettuce from Belgium, each from Edeka and Zucchini from Spain from Lidl.

Perchlorate can not be washed off
The chemist and food analyst dr. Günter Lach warned: „An active ingredient, which is present in a drug, and because an effect is to unfold, is completely incalculable in a food. Perchlorate has no place in food at all. Especially for children, this could have health consequences.“ The problem is that perchlorate can not be washed off fruit and vegetables, nor does it volatilize on cooking. Apparently, the producers themselves have known the problem for a long time. They had themselves made investigations and collected data. One can assume that almost every kind of fruit and vegetables can be loaded. Although perchlorate is a substance that can be naturally produced, there are currently no indications that the actual presence on food can be explained by natural processes. The problem has been known in the USA for about ten years, but the focus here is primarily on the occurrence of drinking water.

Reactions of the dealers
After the announcement, Edeka shared „market“ With: „We take the findings you have shown very seriously. We have contacted the respective producers' associations and asked them to intensify the controls even further. "And Lidl said that one had „Sensitized suppliers and informed about the risk of unconscious intake of perchlorate in fruit and vegetables. "Dr Günter Lach calls for significantly more commitment: „Here must be a very clear regulation ago that substances such as perchlorate may no longer be included in the products. It is all the responsibility of those who deliver the food to the consumer. The food retail trade must develop appropriate pressure - on producers and suppliers of such fertilizers.“ Generally, organic foods are less affected by the problem than conventional fruits and vegetables.

Politics comes on
According to a press release from the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV), work is being carried out to clarify the causes that are currently unknown. It says: „In addition to the entry e.g. Experts are considering the possibility of the substance also having reached fertilizers in fruits and vegetables via dust. After all, perchlorate had recently been detected in some fertilizers. For this reason, the BMELV has also pointed out to the competent state authorities at short notice that fertilizers in the scope of the fertilizer traffic control should be examined more intensively for perchlorate residues.“ In addition, the BMELV told the North German consumer magazine: „The appearance of perchlorate in food is a new problem. The competent authorities are currently working intensively to clarify the causes and take appropriate measures. Since the findings of perchlorate in food can not be limited to certain regions, Germany has informed the EU Commission, in conjunction with the request for an evaluation by the European Food Safety Authority EFSA. "It has a close exchange of information with all activities of the BMELV the Federal Environment Ministry and the food control authorities of the federal states. (ad)