Minister promotes better school meals

Minister promotes better school meals / Health News

Health Minister calls for healthier school meals


The Brandenburg Minister of Health has advocated better quality of meals for school lunch providers. Already at school age, the adolescents should be sensitized to a healthy diet.

Brandenburg's Health Minister Anita Tack (Die Linke) has campaigned for a healthier and more attractive catering for students in front of numerous school lunch providers. „We need more acceptance for healthy food“, emphasized the minister at a exchange meeting of Brandenburg school caterers on Monday.

More acceptance for healthy food demanded
According to the statements of the Brandenburg Minister of Health, the quality as well as the look and taste of the school meal should be improved. The previous standard was also one of the reasons for the relatively low use of school meals by the students. Thus, according to the information provided by the networking office "Schulverpflegung", only about 25 percent of all students in the city of Brandenburg currently use the offer of a warm lunch, explained the Minister of Health. The network agency financed by the federal and state governments had initiated the exchange meeting of Märkischer Schulcaterer, also to promote positive examples in the area of ​​school catering. (Fp)

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Image: S. Media