Mint Not only spice but also medicinal plant

Mint Not only spice but also medicinal plant / Health News
Mint: A delicious spice and medicinal plant
Among the herbs it is a true classic: the mint. In this country, it is especially known in tea or in cocktails. The delicious herb is also found in many sweet and savory dishes. Mint is also popular because of its beneficial effects.

Essential oils make mint valuable
Just about every human knows the menthol aroma of peppermint. Often there are - synthesized - chewing gum, toothpaste or mouthwash the well-known freshness. In its natural form, mint gives a variety of food and food a very special fresh flavor: Be it in smoothies for health, in cocktails, a dessert or spicy dishes, such as the famous English peppermint sauce. Most often, however, the plant is consumed in this country as tea. It is not only delicious, but also extremely healthy. As the consumer information service Aid points out in a news agency dpa message, mint becomes especially valuable due to essential oils.

Healthy and healing: the mint. Scisetti Alfio - fotolia

Medicinal plant for headaches and indigestion
According to him, especially the oils Cineol and Menthol are in the leaflets. These have an antispasmodic effect and thus help with complaints such as headaches or indigestion. In natural medicine, peppermint leaves are used inter alia as a home remedy for flatulence and gastritis (gastritis). Mint can also help against nausea. Particularly often the herb is used for flu and cold symptoms such as cough. This is in addition to tea inhalation.

The dose is important
According to the aid experts, there is too much of a good thing for mint. Thus, larger amounts of menthol can attack the gastric mucosa. According to the Consumer Information Service, for example, there are too many cups of peppermint tea a day. Peppermint is probably the best known form. Among other things, the spearmint is widely used. Pineapple, ginger, lemon and orange mint are a bit more exotic. According to the experts, the fine-fresh taste of young mint leaves goes well with salad, vegetables, lamb, minced meat, potatoes, berries, chocolate and dairy desserts. Delicious mint recipes can be found on the internet. (Ad)