Milupa recalls milk powder for babies

Milupa recalls milk powder for babies / Health News


The food company „Milupa“ calls for precaution individual batches of milk powder for infants of brands „Aptamil“ and „Milumil“ back from the German trade. In two samples destined for the Hungarian trade, according to the manufacturer, increased vitamin and mineral values ​​were detected in the laboratory. To protect consumers, individual batches are now being recalled from the store.

According to the Frankfurt company, however, no excessive values ​​were found in Germany. Nevertheless, one has initiated in the vote of the health authorities, an immediate recall, as we emphasize, „as a precaution and out of a special responsibility“ to protect the children.

In the worst case diarrhea and vomiting
In the opinion of a Milupa spokeswoman, infants would reject the affected products because of the smell and taste and would not eat them. If the milk powder is nevertheless consumed over a longer period of time (over 5 to 7 days), in the worst case, constipation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are at risk. If symptoms appear, parents should consult a pediatrician.

However, not all milk powder products are affected by the recall. The company has set up an information telephone especially for the recall campaign. Consumers can ask specific questions about the batches concerned. The numbers are: Tel. 08000-373737 or 0800-7375000. Consumers can return the goods in the trade and get the purchase price refunded on presentation of a receipt. An overview of the relevant Milupa batches can be found here.

High vitamin levels dangerous to children's health
Since the company does not tell you what the exceeded values ​​are, the recall should be taken seriously. A high intake of vitamins or minerals over a short or longer period of time can not only cause isolated symptoms, but actually provoke long-term consequences and serious damage. For example, if the vitamin A level has been massively exceeded, growth delays, liver damage and rheumatic complaints can occur in the worst case. (Sb)

Image: Marion Gonnermann