Milupa Infant Milk Germinated

Milupa Infant Milk Germinated / Health News

Recall: Milupa Infant Milk contaminated with bacteria


As announced on Friday, the food manufacturer Milupa has the baby milk „Aptamil pre“ recalled as a precaution. „In routine investigations, traces of an undesirable germ (Cronobacter sakazakii) were detected in samples of the „Aptamil pre start food“ found with the best before date "11.01.2014" and the production time between 02.14 and 05.00“, it says in the press release of the group.

With correct preparation of „Aptamil pre“ there is no health risk
Of the batch charged with germs, two packages had been sold at the Marktkauf branch in Heide in Dithmarschen on 18 or 19 July. The remaining products of the affected batch were not available according to the current state of knowledge, so the group.

The bacterial load of the baby's milk "poses no health risk if the product is prepared correctly", says the company. According to Milupa, if improperly prepared, infections and inflammation could occur "during the first four to eight weeks of life of the babies". Therefore, the food manufacturer has as a precaution his product „ Aptamil pre“ recalled in consultation with the authorities. Parents who have bought the baby milk with a best before date of 11 January 2014 at the Marktkauf store in Heide can return it for reimbursement of the purchase price and presentation of the receipt.

Other supermarkets and outlets have not been affected by the recall so far. Milupa has set up a Parental Service on 0800-27 82 645 and 0800-5 888 729. (Ag)

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