Milupa recalls evening porridge cereal banana

Milupa recalls evening porridge cereal banana / Health News

Information for families and parents: Milupa calls „Evening porridge cereal banana - after the 4th month“ back


The baby food company Milupa calls the precautionary „Evening porridge cereal banana - after the 4th month“ with the best before date November 16, 2013 and batch number 87623 back. The affected products contain gluten and wheat contrary to the label. This was announced by the group today.

Evening porridge only for children with celiac disease or wheat allergy questionable
According to the company, the porridge is safe for healthy children. Infants suffering from gluten intolerance (celiac disease) or wheat allergy should not take the evening meal. Affected babies may rarely experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, and allergies if the porridge is fed frequently.

Affected but according to Milupa only the „Evening porridge cereal banana - after the 4th month“ with the best before date 16.11.13 and the lot number 87623. All other products are not affected by the recall. Parents can either send the packs to Milupa or trade them for a new product. Further questions are answered by the Milupa Parental Service on the freephone number 0800 737 500.

Why should celiac disease sufferers not take gluten??
Celiac disease is a chronic disease of the small intestine caused by hypersensitivity to gluten components. It lasts for life and is partly genetically determined. If an affected person drinks gluten-containing food, it causes inflammation in the small intestine. In this case, intestinal epithelial cells can be destroyed, so that a nutrient uptake is only possible to a limited extent.

The severity and severity of the disease can be very different, making diagnosis difficult. Symptoms of celiac disease include diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, underweight, fatigue and depression. The treatment of celiac disease is done by a gluten-free diet, the affected person must comply permanently. (Ag)

Also read:
May 15 is World Celiac Day
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Picture: Helene Souza