Milupa milk powder recall

Milupa milk powder recall / Health News

Which milk powder from Milupa is affected

The food manufacturer Milupa calls for precaution Milk powder products for infants from the trade. In two samples, which were not intended for the German trade, however, excessive levels of vitamins and minerals were found. The following batches are affected according to the company:

Aptamil Pre 300g 30.09.2011
Aptamil HA Pre 600g 12.10.2011
Aptamil HA 1 600g 14.07.2011; 03.08.2011; 28/08/2011; 09/09/2011; 12.10.2011; 28.10.2011; 10.11.2011; 07.12.2011; 16.12.2011; 01/05/2012; 01/21/2012; 01.02.2012
Aptamil HA 2 600g 19.07.2011; 25.11.2011; 01.02.2012
Aptamil HA 3 600g 06.12.2011; 01/21/2012
Aptamil Comfort 600g 03.08.2011; 30/09/2011; 28.10.2011; 10.11.2011; 24.11.2011, 07.12.2011, 04.01.2012
Milumil HA Pre 550g Oct 20, 2011; 28.12.2011, 09.03.2012, 22.04.2012
Milumil HA 1 600g 04.06.2011, 30.07.2011; 12.08.2011, 28.08.2011, 25.09.2011; 09/10/2011; 15/10/2011; 04/11/2011
Milumil HA 2 600g 29.08.2011; 08/10/2011; 15/10/2011; 04.11.2011; 03/12/2011
Milumil HA 3 600g 27.06.2011; 07/09/2011
Milumil 3 550g 1 5.02.2012
Milumil 3 fruit u. Cereals 550g 03.02.2012
All statements without guarantee. Parents should immediately return the affected products to retailers. More information can be found here.