Millionaire election hemp association wins million

Millionaire election hemp association wins million / Health News

Millionaire Election: Cannabis League gains million for legalization


With the victory of Georg Wurth in the millionaire vote of Pro7 and Sat.1 last Saturday, the German Hemp Association celebrates one of its greatest successes so far. With the gain, the DHV will drive the debate on a more meaningful use of cannabis in Germany.

Georg Wurth explains: "We have to discuss cannabis and for that I want to use the millionth Politicians must finally face this debate: In Colorado, cannabis is now sold legally, the state of Washington and Uruguay being the first nation It's not about trivializing cannabis, it's about an alternative to ban Cannabis prohibition is failed, harmful and expensive - we want the existing black market through a regulated market replace with youth and consumer protection.

With the money won, we will promote this goal. To do this, we will use publicity and TV ads to publicize the topic and initiate dialogue on whether it makes sense to chase people with the police just because they have opted for cannabis instead of alcohol. We also want to support sick people in their fight for their right to use cannabis as medicine. We want to give the millions of people who consume cannabis in Germany a voice that is so loud that even Chancellor Merkel can no longer ignore them! "(Pm)

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