Genes may affect the course of MS

Genes may affect the course of MS / Health News

Course of MS probably influenced by gene


Researchers have succeeded in identifying a gene that affects the rate of transmission of nerve fibers. This nerve conduction velocity is altered in multiple sclerosis (MS). Perhaps the new findings could improve future therapies.

Nerve conduction velocity in MS changed
Researchers of the Cluster of Excellence „inflammation research“ and the University of Lübeck has now succeeded in identifying a gene that influences the transmission rate of nerve fibers. This nerve conduction velocity is altered in the severe chronic illness multiple sclerosis (MS). Perhaps future therapies for the disease could be influenced by the new findings. The study, published in the international journal „ The American Journal of Pathology“ has been published, according to press reports has been funded by the German Research Foundation.

Genetic information stored in chromosomes
Together with colleagues from Munich, Magdeburg, Spain, Austria and Sweden, the research team of the Lübeck Institute for Experimental Dermatology and the Institute for Medical Biometry and Statistics investigated the genetic causes of altered nerve conduction velocities. The genetic information for building all body structures is stored in chromosomes. So far it has been known in which section of the chromosome the information for nerve conduction velocities lie. As part of her doctoral thesis, Dr. Susanne Lemcke, first author of the current study and member of the Cluster of Excellence, identified „Inflammation at Interfaces“, this chromosome area. „In a lengthy fine mapping we have sieved out of several hundred genes in question“, so Lemcke. Thus, one chromosomal domain contains too many genes that could be studied in detail.

Ten genes examined more closely
Scientists examined more than ten genes that could be used to control nerve conduction velocity. The researchers finally detected the so-called candidate gene, which causes altered conduction velocities in the nerves, in the mouse model. Lemcke summarized the new findings as follows: „We were able to show that small variants in the genome, so-called SNPs, influence the propagation of signals along the nerve fiber. It is fascinating that such genetic mutations, each of which only changes a single 'letter' at a specific site of the genome, have an impact on nerve conduction velocity.“

New approaches for prevention and treatment
An association between the incidence of the newly discovered gene variant and the incidence of MS could be demonstrated in an additional study that compared healthy and MS-affected individuals. „Our findings could lead to new approaches for the prevention and treatment of MS“, such as study director and cluster member Professor Saleh Ibrahim. „In our next step, we want to explore how much changes in the genome are associated with the severity of MS.“ According to estimates, over 120,000 people in Germany suffer from MS. The first signs of the chronic inflammatory disease may include discomfort, tingling hands and feet, blurred vision, numbness in the legs, paralysis, dizziness, balance and strength disorders. (Ad)

Picture: Rainer Sturm