Possibly health hazards Bayern-egg may not sell eggs from now on

Possibly health hazards Bayern-egg may not sell eggs from now on / Health News
As of now, the Bavarian company "Bayern-Ei" is no longer allowed to bring eggs into the market. All laying plants were blocked. The company has been investigated for some time. Just recently, the company had to recall products for salmonella.

Company may no longer sell eggs
Just a few days ago, the Bavarian company "Bayern-Ei" had called eggs back because of salmonella. Now, at least for now, the company is not allowed to bring eggs to the market. All laying plants have been blocked. This reports the "Bayerischer Rundfunk" (BR) on its website. A corresponding prohibition was accordingly issued by the government of Lower Bavaria. It was imposed in coordination with the Ministry of Consumer Protection in Munich and applies to the locations Niederharthausen in the district Straubing-Bogen and Tabertshausen in the district Deggendorf. In another laying company of the company in Ettling in the district of Dingolfing-Landau production is already at rest.

Bayern eggs are called back. Image: bajinda - fotolia

Investigations for various scandals
It has been reported against the company for a long time because of various scandals, which apparently have revealed concrete evidence for violations of food law. Thus give according to a message with reference to the public prosecutor's office Regensburg, indications that returned eggs had been repackaged and the expiration date had been extended. As reported by the BR, eggs from Lower Bavaria should have been responsible in summer 2014 for a salmonella outbreak with two dead and hundreds of patients. The Bavarian policy had come in the wake of the Bayern-egg scandal in the criticism.

Health hazard due to salmonella
Although, according to a report, the number of salmonella diseases has dropped sharply in some places, it is necessary to repeatedly recall various foods because of the suspicion of a corresponding burden. Salmonella are bacteria that can cause various diseases, especially in the gastrointestinal area. This can cause discomfort such as abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. In addition, a salmonella infection (salmonellosis) by the vomiting diarrhea in the further course to a dehydration (dehydration) of the organism with additional health consequences. (Ad)