Possible evidence of cancer Women with flatulence should go to the doctor

Possible evidence of cancer Women with flatulence should go to the doctor / Health News

Bloating can be a sign of ovarian cancer

Flatulence is completely normal. For example, it is not uncommon to have a bloated stomach after eating bread. However, if women's abdomen is bloated again and again for no apparent reason, they should consult a doctor. Because this can be a sign of ovarian cancer.

Bloating can be a sign of cancer

It is not uncommon for you to get a bloated stomach after eating certain foods. However, if women have flatulence for no apparent reason, they should consult a doctor. Because this can be a sign of cancer. This is pointed out by the British organization "Target Ovarian Cancer".

According to health experts, women who suffer from persistent flatulence should seek medical clarification. Because a bloated stomach can be a sign of ovarian cancer. (Image: absolutimages / fotolia.com)

Ovarian cancer is one of the most aggressive tumors

"The ovarian cancer (ovarian carcinoma) is one of the most aggressive tumors and is the second most common malignant disease of the female genitalia," writes the German Cancer Society on its website.

"The big danger with this type of tumor is that it is usually discovered very late, because for a long time initially no symptoms occur," the experts said.

But even if this type of cancer usually no early symptoms occur, there are still signs, in which one should in principle be noisy and should go to the gynecologist.

These include, according to the experts, among other things, an increase in the abdominal circumference without weight gain and indeterminate indigestion / bloating and flatulence.

Knowledge can save lives

Especially on the latter is also "Target Ovarian Cancer" out. As the nonprofit organization writes on its website, new research shows that women who often suffer from flatulence are more likely to change their diet than go to a doctor to clarify the cause.

"Half (50 percent) of women in the UK said they were doing something with their diet, while one in three (34 percent) said they would consult a doctor if they were worried about flatulence," the experts write.

Previous research by "Target Ovarian Cancer" has shown that only one in five women experience persistent bloating as a symptom of ovarian cancer - a worryingly low rate.

Especially because ovarian cancer is only diagnosed in two-thirds of women when the cancer has already spread.

The organization wants to encourage women to seek medical advice if their belly is bloated.

"Women should not risk their lives because of lack of knowledge about the symptoms of ovarian cancer," says Annwen Jones of "Target Ovarian Cancer".

"If women know about ovarian cancer symptoms such as persistent bloating and are able to connect them early with ovarian cancer, life can be saved." (Ad)