Possible breakthrough drug against Huntington's disease successful in the test

Possible breakthrough drug against Huntington's disease successful in the test / Health News

Until now incurable nerve disease: new drug against Huntington's disease

It could be a possible breakthrough in the fight against Huntington's disease, which is still incurable: British researchers have developed a rare nerve disease drug that has been shown to be promising in early tests.

Rare brain disease

Huntington's disease is a very rare hereditary disease of the brain. So far, the nerve disease, which is also called Huntington's disease or Huntington's disease, and formerly known by the term "Veitstanz", can not be cured. However, researchers from the UK have now developed a drug that gives hope.

Huntington's disease is so far incurable. But now researchers have developed a drug for rare nervous disease, which has been shown to be promising in initial tests. (Image: Kzenon / fotolia.com)

Up to 10,000 people affected in Germany

According to experts, around 8,000 to 10,000 people in Germany suffer from Huntington's disease.

The progression of the progressive disease, which usually breaks out between the ages of 35 and 45, is individual and different from patient to patient.

"At the beginning of the illness, progressive mental disorders are usually in the foreground: Patients are depressed or increasingly irritable and aggressive or uninhibited; others notice a loss of mental ability or an increasing anxiety, "writes the German Huntington's Help e.V. on their website.

In the final stage dementia often occurs

Many patients suffer from neurological disorders, such as movement disorders or mental changes such as behavioral disorders.

In addition, impaired memory, mood changes, gait and speech disorders and dysphagia occur. Often the facial expressions of the patients are affected.

In the final stage of the disease, the brain function is usually so severely impaired that it comes to dementia.

Fight the cause of the disease

Cause of the rare disease is an altered gene (gene mutation).

"Although the cause of Huntington's disease has been known for over ten years, there is still no causal therapy. Only single symptoms can be treated, "writes the German Huntington's Aid.

But it could possibly change something soon. Because British researchers have succeeded in initial tests to fight the cause of the disease.

New experimental drug

The University College London (UCL) team of scientists led by Professor Sarah Tabrizi tested a new experimental drug for Huntington's disease.

"The first drug that targeted the cause of Huntington's disease was safe and well-tolerated," a UCL statement said.

According to the experts, it successfully lowered the level of harmful huntingtin protein in the nervous system. Mutations of this protein are responsible for the development of Huntington's disease.

According to the report, the study included 46 patients with early Huntington's disease in nine study centers in the United Kingdom, Germany and Canada.

It could possibly slow down disease progression

"The results of this study are fundamental to HD patients and their families," said Professor Tabrizi.

"For the first time, a drug has lowered the level of the toxic-causing protein in the nervous system, and the drug was safe and well-tolerated," said the scientist.

"The key now is to move quickly to a larger trial to test if the drug slows the disease." (Ad)