Measles vaccine Yes or no?

Measles vaccine Yes or no? / Health News

Measles: Parents decide whether to vaccinate or not to vaccinate


Measles infections increased strongly last year, especially in Bavaria. For parents, this poses the difficult question of whether they should have their child vaccinated or not. Between advocates and opponents rages a dispute.

The term teething trivializes the danger
As a rule, it starts with cold and fever. Then the typical red patches of skin form, first on the face and behind the ears and finally on the whole body. Measles are considered to be one of the most contagious infectious diseases worldwide. In the past year, illnesses in this country have increased sharply, especially in Bavaria. Measles do not occur only at a young age. Recently the Bavarian DAK boss Gottfried Prehofer warned: „The term teething trivializes the danger potential.“

Decision on vaccination lies with the parents
Although there has been an effective viral vaccine for 40 years, measles is still one of the leading causes of death in children worldwide. In Germany, the decision is whether a child is vaccinated or not, alone with the parents, because there is no compulsory vaccination in this country. For years, a real fight rages between vaccination proponents and opponents. Vaccination has become a matter of attitude for some people. According to a report of the „Central Bavarian newspaper“ Regensburg pediatrician László Hochschau explained: „Some mothers do not want to vaccinate their children because they are afraid of serious side effects that can cause long-term damage.“ He said the subject was vaccination „a tricky thing“, for some it is one „controversial issue“ and for the others „a holy cow“.

Vaccination rate for freshmen at over 90 percent
Many experts assume that the risk of suffering serious sequelae after measles vaccination is significantly lower than that of actual infection. In addition, vaccine damage is very difficult to prove. Decisive could therefore be a comprehensive consultation by the doctor. Vaccination is not only a purely individual matter, but also has an impact on the environment, because unvaccinated children lived around them under the protection of vaccinated boys and girls, as these reduced the risk of infection. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the measles vaccination rate among new school students in Germany is more than 90 percent. From a rate of 95 percent, the infection routes are considered interrupted and the disease would thus be eradicated.

Vaccination also recommended to some adults
The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) publishes once a year in the „Epidemiological bulletin“ of the RKI their recommendations. For example, the experts recommend a first measles vaccine, usually combined with a vaccine against mumps and rubella, for children aged eleven to 14 months. Furthermore, at least four weeks later, but no later than the end of the second year of life to be vaccinated a second time. In addition, adults born after 1970 are advised to get vaccinated if they never, or only once, have them vaccinated or if they do not know their vaccination status. Already since 1974 the measles vaccine is recommended by the STIKO. (Sb)

Picture: Tony Hegewald