Measles outbreak doctors are for vaccine protection

Measles outbreak doctors are for vaccine protection / Health News

Measles outbreak: definitely check vaccination


Paediatricians point out that in view of the current wave of measles, parents should have both their own vaccine protection and that of their offspring tested. Measles should not be taken lightly. In some cases, life-threatening complications can occur.

Have vaccination checked by parents and children

At first, it feels a bit like a cold, but then the red rash spreads over the whole body: In view of the current measles wave, parents should have both their own vaccine and their children examined. This is indicated by the Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) in a message from the news agency dpa. Only those immune to the virus are vaccinated twice. Therefore, anyone who is unsure should consult their doctor best. Pediatrician Ulrich Fegeler from the BVKJ advises that in case of doubt it would be better to let it breathe too much. Therefore, a superfluous dose does not hurt. Caution should be exercised only in people with weakened immune systems because the measles vaccine contains live pathogens and is therefore a particular burden on the immune system.

Infants can be immunized from eleven months

The disease should actually be almost completely eradicated in Germany by this year. But according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), which is responsible for monitoring infectious diseases, a major measles outbreak is currently taking place in Berlin. Accordingly, there were 375 measles cases in the capital since October last year. According to the RKI, the subject of the high infection rates is the fact that people are picking it up. Therefore, the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) also recommends that adolescents and adults examine their measles vaccine protection and, if necessary, make up for the immunization. The vaccine is usually given in combination with mumps and rubella. However, infants can not be immunized until the age of eleven months.

Measles in the first year of life particularly dangerous

In the first year of life, according to medical experts, a measles disease is particularly dangerous. Therefore, the mother and close contacts should necessarily be vaccinated, emphasizes pediatrician Fegeler. The second vaccination is ideally at the age of 15 to 23 months. It is said that those who are not vaccinated are almost 100 percent likely to get in contact with the virus. Measles spread via both droplet infection and contact with virulent body fluids.

Weakened immune systems threaten serious complications

Health experts regularly point out not to take the disease lightly. The most common symptoms of fever and the typical rash are often complaints such as conjunctivitis, runny nose and cough. In addition, the weakened immune system can cause complications such as otitis media or diarrhea. In some cases, life-threatening or even fatal complications such as lung or brain inflammation may occur. Vaccination opponents often point to possible side effects of immunization such as redness, swelling, fever or a slight itchy rash. However, these are no comparison to the effects of measles disease, my advocate. (Ad)

Picture: Martin Büdenbender