Gastric surgery increases suicide risk in patients with gastric bypass

Gastric surgery increases suicide risk in patients with gastric bypass / Health News
Study shows that self-injurious behavior and bariatric surgery are related
A recent study found that people are at an increased risk of injuring themselves when undergoing gastric bypass surgery. Self-injurious behavior, suicidal thoughts, and suicide attempts in the past appear to be related to obesity surgery, Canadian researchers report in the journal JAMA Surgery At first, it was still unclear whether patients were at increased risk after gastric bypass surgery the behavior is even mitigated.

A longitudinal cohort analysis examined 8,815 Ontario adults in Canada on this topic. These had all been treated by bariatric surgery between April 1, 2006 and March 31, 2011. The physicians monitored the patients three years before the operation and three years later. The sample consisted of almost 82 percent women. Most of the subjects were 35 years or older (80.1%). Of the 8,815 patients, 8,681 (98.5%) underwent gastric bypass surgery.

From a gastric bypass, many obese hope to improve their quality of life. (Image: bilderzwerg /

Subjects under observation for six years
The researchers found that self-injurious behavior was more common among those treated. Thus, 111 of the patients in 158 emergencies were implicated in self-injury. These events all took place during the three years of follow-up. The emergencies of self-injurious behavior increased significantly after the operation. The value before surgery was much lower (2.33 per 1,000 patient-years) than after surgery (3.63 per 1,000 patient-years). The most common form of self-injury was an intentional overdose. In 115 cases, such behaviors could be observed, which corresponds to almost 73 percent of suicide attempts.

Bariatric surgery increases the susceptibility to self-injurious behavior
Bariatric surgery seems to be more than just surgery. The intervention appears to have a profound impact and can support self-injurious behavior. Dr. In an accompanying editorial, Amir Ghafer of the University of Michigan said that the study clearly demonstrates people's unique susceptibility to self-harm after gastric bypass surgery. It is now important to examine why suicide rates are more than four times higher in these patients compared to the normal population. Underbariatric surgery (bariatric surgery) is to be understood as meaning various surgical measures for controlling overweight in the disease, with gastric bypass surgery being one of the most common such procedures.

Lost weight but the problems remain
Dr. Craig Primack of the "Scottsdale Weight Loss Center" in Arizona told MedPage that in his practice, a group of patients believe many problems are related to their weight. These people believe that their own problems, such as underpaid work, unsuccessful dating, marriage problems, and lack of friendships, could be tackled if they themselves gained a specific weight. If the person then reaches this desired weight, but the problems are still there. Despite losing weight, the job is still poorly paid or there are still marital problems. When the patient realizes this, weight loss often comes to a standstill. (As)