Gastric surgery can help with type II diabetes?

Gastric surgery can help with type II diabetes? / Health News

Gastric surgery can help overweight type 2 diabetics

A successful treatment for type 2 diabetes with stomach surgery? No problem, says the Dubai-based journal Middle East Health, citing a US study. Thus, the operation helped patients significantly reduce their daily insulin requirements.

Gastric surgery reduces drug use by more than 75 percent
The journal "Middle East Health" in the article refers to a study by researchers from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA. The study looked at 2,235 adults with type 2 diabetes, with all participants undergoing surgery on the stomach between 2002 and 2005 due to diseased obesity. According to the journal, more than 23 percent of the test subjects were dependent on insulin before surgery and more than 50 percent on metformin hydrochloride. The amazing side effects of stomach surgery: one year after surgery, only 5.5 percent needed insulin and 8.4 percent metformin hydrochloride.

Hormones in the stomach possible cause
According to the researchers, the cause of the reduced insulin or metformin hydrochloride requirement could be the weight loss resulting from the operation, but in some patients the signs of the disease have already disappeared before they have decreased significantly as a result of the gastric surgery. Thus, according to the researchers, this concludes that the operation has an effect on hormone balance in the stomach, which would regulate blood glucose levels the natural way. (fp, 29.08.2010)

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