Stomach can not be chilled with ice cream

Stomach can not be chilled with ice cream / Health News

Stomach can not be chilled with ice cream


Summer, sun, ice cream: As temperatures increase, so too does ice cream consumption. Even in ancient China, Chinese herders sweetened the warm summer months with a sorbet-like ice cream, which was produced in large ice shelters. Nowadays, we make a difference according to the „Guidelines for ice cream and ice cream confectionery“ in Germany between eight varieties, differentiated according to their ingredients. Milk ice contains at least 70 percent milk, fruit ice at least 20 percent fruit. Other varieties include: cream ice cream, cream ice cream, ice cream, fruit ice cream, sorbet and water ice.

Investigations identify hygienic deficiencies in ice cream
In Germany, 500 million liters of ice cream are consumed annually - not completely free of dangers. In 2011, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment attributed two salmonella outbreaks to the consumption of ice cream. „In the more detailed root cause research raw ingredients of chicken eggs were determined“, explains the Federal Association of food chemists in public service. Regular surveys at the state level lead to a relatively high complaint rate of ten to 15 percent, mainly due to hygienic complaints. Similar results were reported last year by the Hessian state laboratory, which found germs in every ninth ice cream.

„The review of ingredients and labeling leads to a complaint rate of up to 20 percent,“ explains the association in the further course of the opinion. The problem is in particular a lack of identification of dyes, too low a milk content in milk ice or too low a fruit content in fruit ice. Nevertheless, the Federal Association of Food Chemists in the public sector calms down: „If you consider a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, ice cream is pure pleasure“, it says there.

Ice cream can not chill your stomach
Even with a widespread error, the experts agree: „The stomach can not be cooled by eating ice cream“, explains the trade association. Before eating, it has a temperature of minus four degrees, which rises to eight degrees in the mouth and to about 20 degrees in the stomach. The only problem is the calorie count of the cooling ice creams. Depending on the flavor, it is 50 to 300 kilocalories per 100 milliliters. The Consumer Initiative in Berlin also recommends eating a maximum of two scoops of ice cream per day. (Lb)

Image: Julien Christ