Delicious Rhubarb The fruit that is actually a healthy vegetable

Delicious Rhubarb The fruit that is actually a healthy vegetable / Health News
Springbread Rhubarb: The fruit that is actually a vegetable
The rhubarb season has begun. It is well worth the while, because the young poles are especially tender and mild. Rhubarb is one of the first vegetables available locally after winter. Originally the robust knotweed plant originates from the Himalayan region of Central Asia and has only been used in German cuisine for around 160 years.

There are several types available in the trade. The acidity of red-fleshed and red-stemmed rhubarb is lower than that of pure green stalks. Therefore, red varieties are less harsh. Rhubarb only delivers 13 calories per 100 grams. It contains vitamin C, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium and the digestive fiber pectin. The contained oxalic acid is safe if the vegetables are consumed in the usual amounts and prepared properly.

Image: Diana Taliun - fotolia

When cooking, rhubarb loses acidity. Spices such as ginger, vanilla and cinnamon, dairy products such as custard or the addition of orange and pineapple juice also soften the tart taste.
Actually, rhubarb is a vegetable, but due to the fruity-sour aroma it is used like fruit. The classic is rhubarb cake with meringue. Rhubarb compote can be prepared quickly and easily. To do this, cook the finely chopped sticks with a little liquid and refine a vanilla pod. In addition, the stem vegetables can be combined very well with fruits such as strawberries, raspberries or bananas.

For some years, rhubarb spritzer has become a trend drink. It even tastes better if you make it yourself: boil the vegetables with water and sugar and cook for 15 minutes until it has disintegrated into mush. Then squeeze through a sieve, catch the juice and enjoy with ice cubes and mineral water.

The rhubarb season starts in April and ends in June. Fresh rhubarb is recognizable by the shiny solid rods and fresh ends. Incidentally, peeling is hardly necessary in today's varieties. It is enough to pull off the fibers from the stem end. Wrapped in a damp cloth, it lasts several days in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. (Heike Kreutz, aid)