Delicious sprouts Bitter bud with a strong health benefit

Delicious sprouts Bitter bud with a strong health benefit / Health News
Some people are bothered by the smell of Brussels sprouts; in others it is rather unpopular because of its often bitter taste. But many love the delicious winter vegetables, which also serves health: brussels sprouts contain many vitamins and minerals.

Brussels sprouts do not have to be too bitter
Although brussels sprouts are rather unpopular because of its sometimes bitter taste in children and some do not like the smell so much, but many people taste the mini cabbages excellent. They do not have to be too bitter either, according to a news agency dpa. Responsible for the slightly bitter taste of the buds of Brussels sprouts plant is the ingredient Sigrin. Some chefs recommend adding some lemon juice or sugar to the cooking water.

It tastes good, it's good. Image: Brent Hofacker - fotolia

Mustard oils against bacteria and viruses
The typical winter vegetables are not only delicious but also low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals. One of the very valuable ingredients is glucosinolates. There is no more in any other cabbage. The substance is converted in the body by enzymes into mustard oils. These can inhibit the proliferation of various fungi, bacteria and viruses and promote blood circulation. The sulfur-containing compounds also have an antioxidant effect, thus protecting the cells in the body.

Healthy vitamins and minerals
There are even more health reasons for brussels sprouts: it contains more vitamin C than any other type of cabbage and thus contributes to strengthening the immune system. Furthermore, the small roses contain a lot of B vitamins, protein, potassium, fluorine, magnesium and zinc. Not least, there is a lot of folic acid in the cabbage, which is especially important during pregnancy. A serving of 200 grams covers the daily requirement. Sprouts should be kept cool and slightly damp if they are to last longer. (Ad)