Buy food online What should be considered?

Buy food online What should be considered? / Health News
The purchase of food at the click of a mouse saves a lot of time and the annoying hauling of bags and crates. Especially working people in cities appreciate the delivery of fresh fruit and vegetables right to their doorstep. However, many are skeptical as to whether they can trust in the quality of the products. Because food can not be tested and sent back.

Basically, the online provider must deliver the goods in a reasonable condition. It must meet average requirements, explains the magazine Deutsche Anwaltsauskunft. Since people's preferences are different, empirical values ​​apply. For example, bananas may have brown spots, but apples may not be rotten. In a bowl of strawberries, a moldy fruit is no reason to complain. But if the vegetables are lazy, the customer does not have to accept the goods.
Ultimately, the dealer's terms and conditions are crucial. Here are the rights and obligations of the provider and buyer.

Food online shopping on trend. Image: Tyler Olson - fotolia

If, for example, the shopping portal offers bananas of varying degrees of maturity, it has to stick to it. Special wishes, which are indicated during the order process, do not necessarily have to be met. If the distributors deliver drinks, they usually also take back the empties. However, they may only accept their own box and no larger quantities.

Another point is the delivery, which usually takes place in a time frame of several hours. If the consumer is not found, he may still have to pay or at least pay part of the cost. Other shopping portals meet the customer and he can arrange a second appointment. If the supplier comes too late or not at all, the consumer can withdraw from the contract.

The conclusion: online shopping has many (especially temporal) benefits. Especially with fresh fruits and vegetables, he can not replace the selection with all the senses. (Heike Kreutz, aid)