Food for a healthy skin

Food for a healthy skin / Health News

Foods with a positive effect on the skin


The complexion is closely related to the diet. Different food items „provide the skin with valuable ingredients from within“, reports the „pharmacy magazine“ in a recent press release. Which foods have a particularly positive effect here is shown in the current issue of the health magazine.

It has long been known that diet has a significant influence on the appearance of the skin. Not without good reason, nutritional therapy forms an essential part of the treatment of numerous skin diseases. However, most people are unaware of which foods are considered to be particularly conducive to the skin. These are according to the information „pharmacy magazine“ some of them are everyday foods such as eggs, millet, peppers, blueberries or dried apricots that are good for the skin, nails and hair.

Eggs with trace elements, vitamin B and antioxidants
According to the health magazine, eggs have a positive effect on the structure of the skin due to the contained B vitamins and trace elements „The antioxidants in egg yolk are intended to prevent premature aging of the skin.“ The daily breakfast egg could therefore be extremely beneficial for the skin. In millet, the strengthening effect on hair and nails by the contained silica in the foreground, so the „pharmacy magazine“ continue.

Paprika for firm connective tissue and healthy complexion
According to the health magazine, red pepper has a strengthening effect on the connective tissue „and brings a fresh complexion.“ The positive effects are mainly attributed to the contained capsaicin, which is also used elsewhere in medicine. Thus, for example, the active ingredient is used in the known ABC patches, which are used inter alia in the treatment of rheumatic back pain.

Blueberries ideal against inflammation
For dried apricots, the skin benefits primarily from the contained „Pantothenic acid, folic acid and the B vitamin Niazine“, reports the „pharmacy magazine“. Dried fruits can provide us with these substances important for the growth and regeneration of skin cells throughout the year, according to the Health Magazine. Blueberries are particularly recommended, „when the skin is strained.“ According to the magazine, they make an ideal natural helper with the contained combination of vitamins against inflammation.

Difficulty of changing the diet remains
Even if the readers according to the report of „pharmacy magazine“ the most skin-friendly foods are known, the difficulty of changing the diet remains. This is very difficult for many people. Although they recognize the disadvantages of their own diet and know which foods they should consume instead, but they often lack the staying power. This is also confirmed by a recent nutrition study by the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), which found that just over a third (36 percent) of people who have already tried a diet change failed and fell into old dietary patterns. (Fp)