Food for diabetic people are banned

Food for diabetic people are banned / Health News

Diabetic foods prohibited: No scientific benefit of special diabetes foods.

(25.09.2010) In Germany, about 10 percent of the population suffer from diabetes. Those affected must pay special attention to their diet and compliance with specific dietary requirements. Foodstuffs with the indication "suitable for diabetics" were highly popular. However, the mere exchange of sugar for other sweeteners does not justify such labeling, the Federal Council ruled now, and decided that the so-called diabetic foods should be banned.

For two years, the food manufacturers still have time to change their product range, after the further production of special diabetic foods is prohibited. The special requirements for dietetic foods listed in the dietary regulation are deleted without substitution. Already last year, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) had judged that packaging instructions such as "suitable for diabetics" or "suitable for special nutrition in diabetes mellitus" were misleading nonsense, since none of the indications was scientifically tenable. "Maintaining previously existing regulations for diabetic foods is not justified even with the inclusion of the more recent literature," continues the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR).

From ice cream, cakes and biscuits to jam, chocolate or drinks, almost every food item is also available in a special diabetic version on the German market. The dietary regulation for diabetic foods regulated so far, which ingredients may contain these products. Because quite a few diabetic foods, such. However, for example, if special biscuits or jams contain too much fat and calories and generally no longer comply with the dietary recommendations of the Federal Government, the German Federal Council for Agriculture and Consumer Protection unanimously adopted the abolition of such products on 06.09.2010. This decision was followed by the Federal Council in its current decision, so that the mentioned articles disappear from the German market within two years at the latest.

The decision is widely welcomed by those affected, as the markings were more misleading and diabetics did not provide assistance in stopping their daily insulin dose. „The diabetic products were nothing but a sham. They suggested that they ate very well, but that was not true at all, "explains Professor Thomas Danne, President of the German Diabetes Association, and diabetics should follow the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society „Since numerous studies have also shown that diabetes mellitus not only affects the level of sugar, but also causes disturbances of protein and lipid metabolism, is sufficient „a therapy that regulates only the sugar budget, (...) is not enough, "said a spokesman for the BfR.

So that diabetics can better control their illness, the German Diabetes Society has been demanding for years a clear declaration of all ingredients on the packaging.“According to Prof. Thomas Danne, it is indispensable to label the nutritional values ​​on a foodstuff. "To date, exact information on the protein, sugar, fats, dietary fiber and salt content and on the calorific value or content is missing on a number of articles Total carbohydrates per 100 grams.

So far, the lobby of food manufacturers has always prevailed and continue to make good profits with the diabetic foods. After the two-year transition period, this is now over, and the companies are facing significant revenue losses. Norbert Pahne, managing director of the Federal Association of Food Producers of Special Nutrition, estimated the sales of diabetic products for 2009 at 138 million euros, plus approximately 380 million euros in revenue from the sale of low-sugar beverages. A business segment that almost completely broke away with the new regulation Products should no longer be labeled with special diabetic imprints. In addition, for some items even the recipes must be changed because „For example, in the case of diabetic chocolate, "a combination of sugar substitutes and sweeteners was allowed" which is "not allowed with normal chocolate", emphasized Norbert Pahne. (fp)

Also read:
Diabetic foods soon banned
Diabetic foods offer no benefits

Picture credits: Heinz Ober,