Running counteracts cellular aging

Running counteracts cellular aging / Health News

Endurance sports keep our cells young

Sport is generally said to have a positive effect on the organism, but there are clear differences between the different sports. In a recent study, the differences in the effects of endurance sports and strength training on the cellular aging processes were examined at the University Hospital Leipzig - with clear results.

The study on the anti-aging effects of weight training and endurance sports makes it clear that cardiac aging can be significantly slowed down by endurance training, but no comparable effect can be observed after pure strength training, according to the Leipzig University Hospital. The results of the research team led by Professor Ulrich Laufs, Director of the Department of Cardiology at the University Hospital Leipzig, were published in the "European Heart Journal".

Endurance sports such as running or cycling keep our cells young, whereas weight training has no comparable effect. (Image: sportpoint /

Molecular and cellular effects of sports studied

In their clinical-experimental study, the researchers "examined and compared the molecular and cellular effects of physical activity." A total of 266 healthy volunteers, average age 50 and with no previous sports experience, were studied for the study. The participants completed a precisely metered, controlled and supervised training over six months, each with three units of 45 minutes per week. Before and after the study, exercise tests and blood sampling were performed to isolate cells from the blood.

Telomerase activity and telomere length positively influenced

Based on the blood cells, the scientists were able to show that the forms of endurance sports investigated (aerobic exercise and high-intensity interval training) favorably influenced important regulators of cell aging - telomerase activity and telomere length. Since these two factors are considered essential indicators of the aging process of the cells and their ability to regenerate, the effect should be understood as a kind of rejuvenation cure for the cells. In the case of strength training, however, no corresponding effect was observed, continues the study director Professor Laufs.

Endurance sports with positive precautionary effects

The cardiologists at Leipzig University Hospital were able to prove that endurance training such as running, cycling or swimming counteracts cellular aging, whereas after pure strength training no such effect occurs. Just over two years ago, a research team at the University Hospital of Saarland Homburg / Saar came to the same conclusion when asked "Endurance or weight training: what makes us younger?". The current "results show that targeted positive training effects can be achieved through targeted training," while strength training on cell aging remains ineffective, explains Professor Laufs.

Strength training as a supplement makes sense

Especially the cardiovascular cell aging can be favorably influenced by the endurance training according to the expert. In the future, the cellular response in the various training sessions could also be measured and controlled, the researchers hope. Based on the current results, however, it can be clearly stated today with regard to heart health that strength training can be a supplement to endurance training, but not a substitute. (Fp)