Running and ball sports to strengthen children's bones

Running and ball sports to strengthen children's bones / Health News
Running, Ball Sports and Co: Exercise in childhood strengthens bones
Many parents like to give their offspring milk to strengthen the bones. Finally, it contains a lot of calcium. But not only the diet can provide for strong bones of children. Boys and girls should also move a lot. Experts recommend ball sports such as football.

Calcium and physical activities for healthy bones
Children like to drink milk, parents are usually satisfied. Because it contains valuable calcium, among other things, which is supposed to strengthen the bones. Since strong bones are important for prevention of osteoporosis, experts recommend optimizing maximum bone mass. "In addition to calcium intake, physical activity and vitamin D supplementation play an important role in this process," writes the German Nutrition Society (DGE) on its website.

Much exercise in childhood strengthens the bones. Experts advise in this context, among other ball sports such as football. (Image: Robert Kneschke /

Ball sports are recommended
The fact that movement in childhood strengthens the bones, and even in children who have a predisposition to weaker bones, now reports the Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) on its website "". Dr. Monika Niehaus, pediatrician and member of the expert panel of the site, explains:

"Recommended are sports that include high force peaks and versatile force effects, such as jumps, starts, stops, changes of direction when running, rotational movements. Athletics, gymnastics and many ball sports, such as Football is one of the most 'bone-strengthening' activities. "

The basis for bone health is laid in childhood
At the end of last year, scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology (BIPS) reported in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity on the importance of exercise for healthy bones in children. One of the study authors, Prof. dr. Wolfgang Ahrens, said at the time: "The basis for a good bone health is laid in childhood and while movement is fundamental."

Tendency to counteract osteoporosis
A study published a few days ago showed that children have to exercise regularly in order to influence bone health in the longer term. The study of over 900 children showed that "high-impact activity" in childhood can also counteract a hereditary or disease-related tendency to osteoporosis.

And a Finnish research paper published in the "Journal of Pain" suggests that physical inactivity and poor physical fitness in children aged six to eight years are associated with an increased risk of chronic pain, such as headache and back pain.

At least one hour of sport a day
Dr. Niehaus recommends: "Children should exercise at least one hour per day. Ideal is when the muscle power of the entire body is trained and not too one-sided. "According to the information, the movement behavior in the first 20 years of age is crucial for bone strength or density. The more bone mass one has built up in childhood and adolescence, the less he is at risk of contracting osteoporosis in old age. (Ad)