Leek is more than a healthy soup vegetable

Leek is more than a healthy soup vegetable / Health News

Leek is suitable as a healthy ingredient for numerous dishes


A hot vegetable soup warms the body from the inside during the cold season and its ingredients additionally strengthen the body's defenses. "Leek or leek is particularly beneficial as an ingredient for a strong vegetable broth with the contained vitamins B1, B2 and C", reports the Federal Association of Producer Organizations Fruits and Vegetables (BVEO).

Leek is not only suitable as a soup vegetable, but also as an ingredient for other pots, quiches, pies and casseroles. The vegetables give the dishes a spicy taste and also contain many vitamins and mustard oils, the latter stimulate the metabolism and have an activating effect. The leek was also "uncooked or raw for consumption and can be offered, for example, together with a dip at celebrations as a snack." Another advantage of the vegetables is the regional availability. In many farm shops leeks are offered almost all year round.

Whether leek is actually fresh, according to the announcement of the „dpa“ For example, recognize whether the leaf tips look fresh and fan-shaped upwards. In addition, consumers should make sure that the shaft is firm and the root is white. Suitable for consumption is the whole leek, except the leaf tips and the root end. Normally, the poles do not even need to be washed unless they appear very dirty. It is sufficient to peel off the outer layer before the preparation, reports the „dpa“. It is important, "then still to clean the inside, since the rod during growth often enclose earth."

Not only for vegetarians tasty and invigorating is, for example, a vegetarian potato-leek soup. Overall, however, leek is much more suitable than the soup preparation. Domestic vegetables can be used as an ingredient for an enormously wide range of foods. (Fp)

Picture: SuBea