State Investigation Office warning of curry powder

State Investigation Office warning of curry powder / Health News

Recall of a curry powder because Salmonella bacteria have been detected.

The State Investigation Office Rhineland-Palatinate is currently warning of a curry spice powder in which Salmonella bacteria were detected. The curry powder could lead to a salmonella poisoning. Patients suffer from vomiting and diarrhea from salmonella poisoning. Foods with Salmonella bacteria can cause disease if not sufficiently heated. Especially people with a weakened immune system could quickly fall ill.

However, the producer of the product has already started a callback action. These are the curry powder "Curry Elefant Indian Style" with a best before date of January 8, 2011. Anyone who has already bought the curry powder should not consume it, but return it to the supermarket / dealer. In all likelihood, the costs will be refunded. (sm, 12.03.2010)

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