Landesgesundheitsamt advises on vaccination against infectious disease TBE

Landesgesundheitsamt advises on vaccination against infectious disease TBE / Health News
Baden-Württemberg: State Health Office recommends vaccination against TBE
Ticks can transmit dangerous infectious diseases such as tick-borne encephalitis. Health experts advise people who spend a lot of time in the countryside to get vaccinated against FSME.

Health experts recommend TBE vaccination
The State Health Office Baden-Württemberg advises people who are traveling a lot in the countryside, to vaccinate against the infectious disease of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). As the news agency dpa reports, said an expert of the Office in Stuttgart: "For outdoor-oriented and people who are in the garden a lot, it is high time to get vaccinated." According to the information, you could practically anywhere in Baden-Württemberg be bitten by a tick. According to experts, there are many cases in the Black Forest and Alb. In addition to Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, southern Hesse and southeastern Thuringia are also considered to be particularly endangered regions.

Ticks can transmit dangerous infectious diseases. The State Health Office Baden-Württemberg advises people who are traveling a lot in the countryside to vaccine against FSME. (Image: Schlegelfotos /

Symptoms also outside of summer
Although it is repeatedly pointed out that the risk is highest from April to October, but the changed weather causes, according to scientists, that ticks are already active in February and into December. This is how Prof. Dr. Mackenstedt from the University of Hohenheim in an older press release: "We are not accustomed to count in the formerly cold months with tick bites and do not protect us accordingly." Physicians are not yet used to be synonymous with TBE symptoms outside of the summer To think meningitis. But: "Climate change has made the tick into an almost year-round active animal in Germany."

Most people become infected with recreational activities
According to medical sources, 90 percent of TBE sufferers become infected with recreational activities. The result may be inflammation of the meninges, brain or spinal cord. Especially in older people, the disease can be difficult. About one third of the infected people have symptoms of illness. First, there are flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, vomiting and dizziness. At around ten percent, according to doctors, meningitis and encephalitis are also associated with the risk of lasting damage such as paralysis. In one to two percent of sufferers, the disease leads to death. According to health experts, a full-scale vaccination program lasting over five months is needed for complete protection against TBEs.

Protection against ticks
In addition to TBE, ticks can also transmit Lyme disease. Although no vaccine protects against this infectious disease, it can be treated with antibiotics. The sooner the disease is discovered, the better. Basically, it is best to protect yourself from ticks as well as possible. It makes sense, for example, to put the pants in the socks when you are traveling in the undergrowth and wearing long-sleeved clothing. Special insect sprays can keep the little animals away. If you notice ticks on the body, you should remove them quickly with tape. If the animal has already sucked firmly, it is important when removing not to squeeze the blood bag, as this may cause infectious saliva or intestinal contents increasingly in the bloodstream of the person concerned. (Ad)