Circulatory diseases most common cause of death

Circulatory diseases most common cause of death / Health News

Cardiovascular disease is still the leading cause of death in North Rhine-Westphalia


188,944 people died last year in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). This corresponds to a decline of around 1.7 percent compared to the previous year. The most common cause of death is still circulatory disease. That shared „Information and Technology North Rhine-Westphalia“ (IT.NRW) as Statistisches Landesamt on Wednesday with.

70,111 deaths due to circulatory diseases in NRW
37.1 percent of deaths occurred due to circulatory system diseases such as heart attack. With a total of 70,111 deaths, circulatory diseases continue to occupy the sad top position. 41.0 percent of women and 32.9 percent of men died in the past year.

The second most frequent cause of death (27.3 percent) in 2011 were malignant neoplasms, in which a total of 51,569 people died. 30.2 percent, about a third, of these deaths related to cancers of the digestive organs as IT.NRW announced. About one quarter (23.3 percent) caused cancer of the respiratory organs to death and 19.0 percent were the cause of cancer of the genital organs. Overall, the number of deaths from cancer was about two percent higher than last year. „Men died of cancer of the respiratory organs twice as often as women“, It continues in the current press release from IT.NRW.

At 8.5 percent, respiratory system disorders (excluding malignant neoplasms) were the third leading cause of death in North Rhine-Westphalia. 16,102 citizens died. Diseases of the digestive system killed 8,924 people (4.7 percent). (Ag)