Circles withheld information about PCB eggs

Circles withheld information about PCB eggs / Health News

Foodwatch: Circles did not forward information about PCB eggs


The consumer organization "Foodwatch" raises serious allegations in the current dioxin scandal. Possibly could have prevented the PCB contaminated eggs of the organic farm in East Westphalia Stemwede to the end consumers, if the competent circles would have forwarded appropriate information immediately, said consumer advocates on Monday.

According to the Foodwatch, both the authorities in the district of Minden-Lübbecke and the district of Euskirchen reported information on the PCB contamination of organic eggs. Here at a middleman increased concentrations of dangerous environmental toxin were detected in the eggs early on. However, the information on the exceedance was not forwarded and there was also no recall of the charged eggs, the charge of Foodwatch.

Serious neglect of individual circles in the PCB scandal
The consumer organization spoke of serious omissions by individual circles in connection with the current dioxin scandal. In doing so, Foodwatch relies on its own research among the circles, which have revealed that the limit value exceedances were already known here on 27 March. However, the reporting of the exceedance of the threshold to the competent ministry did not take place until 2 April. In this way, consumers were unnecessarily exposed to increased PCB stress, criticized Foodwatch. Although the eggs were only stable until 31 March anyway, when the circles became aware of the PCB contamination, according to the consumer organization, it was still „with high probability“ loaded eggs in the trade or at home in the refrigerator. „Only when the PCB contaminated eggs had already exceeded their best before date, it was published by the North Rhine-Westphalia consumer ministry“, so continue Foodwatch.

The information restraint of the circles had caused an avoidable poison burden of the population, criticized the consumer organization. Foodwatch emphasized that one „public warning and a recall from the consumer's point of view already on 27 March“ would have been mandatory. After presentation of the consumer organization in its communication „Dioxin: NRW districts withheld information“, prove that „Failure of the counties once again that it requires a legal obligation of the authorities to make health-related information immediately public.“

PCB contamination of organic eggs is still above the limit
The PCB contamination of organic eggs from Stemwede has meanwhile continued to decline, but is still well above the permitted limits. The Landesverbraucherministerium Nordrhein-Westfalen reported that in a sample from April 11 on eggs from two stalls, increased levels of the environmental toxin PCB were detected. Despite a significant decline, the measured values ​​were still more than twice as high as the permissible limit, reports the ministry. When the farm was closed, the limit had been exceeded sixfold. The reason for the significant PCB load is still unclear. According to the State Consumers' Ministry, contamination of feed and drinking water has so far been ruled out. The study of soil samples is not yet completed, but the declining PCB loads speak for the source is gradually dried up, said a spokesman for the Ministry.

Significant health risks from the environmental toxin PCB
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are dioxin-like substances, toxic and carcinogenic. In 2001, the Stockholm Convention banned the use of PCBs worldwide. However, the environmental toxin had previously spread globally and has been ubiquitous in the atmosphere, waters, and soil ever since. Although the acute toxicity of PCB is rather low, but the poison accumulates over time in the organism and can cause so massive health problems that can range from the so-called chloracne on hair loss and liver damage to fertility disorders and severe malformations of the offspring , In addition, the dioxin-like substances are considered carcinogenic. If increased levels are detected in food, it is therefore imperative to inform the public and recall the products. Why the two circles were so hesitant in the forwarding of information, remains a mystery. (Fp)

Read about Dioxin eggs:
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Dioxin in organic eggs: causes still unknown
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Picture: Gerd Altmann, Pixelio