Suspected cancer Alcohol can cause at least seven different types of cancer

Suspected cancer Alcohol can cause at least seven different types of cancer / Health News
Study finds evidence of the link between alcohol and cancer
The consumption of alcohol can lead to serious health and mental problems, this fact should be known to most people for a long time. However, researchers have now found that even small amounts of alcohol can cause seven different cancers.

An international team of scientists found in the current study that alcohol consumption can lead to seven different types of cancer. Even if people only drink small amounts of alcohol, this already increases their risk for the cancers. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Addiction".

The consumption of alcohol can lead to addiction and serious illnesses. Physicians now find that alcohol causes at least seven different types of cancer. (picture:

New better education campaigns called for
The results of the new study clearly show that we need more educational campaigns to better inform people about the dangers of alcohol and cancer, say the authors. The public has widespread ignorance about the close link between alcohol and cancer, the experts add. Researchers in the study now demand that regular drinkers should urgently introduce non-alcoholic days. In addition, packaging of alcohol should carry clear warnings.

Clear evidence of alcohol as a cause of cancer
Re-analysis of data from recent years has now revealed that alcohol is involved in the development of breast, colon, liver and other types of cancer. The study concludes that there is clear evidence that alcohol is a direct cause of cancer, says author Jennie Connor of Otago University in New Zealand

Alcohol causes at least seven types of cancer, probably more
There is strong evidence that alcohol causes cancer in seven places in our body, and probably more, explains the experts. Even without a full understanding of the biological mechanisms of how alcohol causes cancer, epidemiological evidence supports the claim that alcohol increases the risk of throat, esophageal, liver, colon, rectal, breast and laryngeal cancers doctor.

Even low consumption can cause cancer
There is also growing evidence that alcohol causes skin, prostate and pancreatic cancer. The risk seems to increase with the amount drunk. The highest risks are related to heavy drinking, but also a low or moderate consumption of alcohol represents a significant burden on our health, the authors explain. There are policies in the UK stating that men should drink a maximum of seven liters of beer a week. Of course, women should not exceed this threshold, the experts advise.

People generally need to be better informed about the risks of alcohol. We know well that nine out of ten people are not aware of the link between alcohol and cancer, the doctors add. Also important here is the influence of parents on the offspring. Because parents significantly influence the alcohol consumption of their children.

How do I reduce my alcohol consumption??
Keeping some alcohol-free days every week is a great way to reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. You can also try to drink small portions or use small glasses, the scientists advise. Larger glasses will make you drink more. Drink more drinks without alcohol or choose drinks with a low alcohol content. Also, avoid having a supply of alcohol at home, the doctors add.