Recognizing cancerous tumors quickly These are the first signs of cancer

Recognizing cancerous tumors quickly These are the first signs of cancer / Health News

Recognize early symptoms of cancer

Especially with cancer, it is important that this is detected as early as possible. In many early stages a complete cure is possible. That is why it is important to recognize possible first signs of cancer. For some types of cancer, it is possible to detect first warnings that doctors show in this article. In addition, general symptoms such as tiredness can have a completely harmless background - or even cancer.

According to the MedUni Vienna, every fifth man suffers from prostate cancer during his lifetime and "this type of tumor is just as common in men as breast cancer in women", but most men do not see any reason for regular check-ups here. You only go to the doctor when the first symptoms appear. However, the chances of recovery are often drastically limited. Accordingly, the diseases in males are increasingly fatal.

Anyone who is constantly tired despite sufficient sleep should go to the doctor. (Image: Volker Witt /

Men go to the doctor only when complaints
"For many cancers, the mortality of men is higher than that of women," reports MedUni Vienna. One possible explanation is the different behaviors in dealing with the classical risk factors. Men would continue to smoke more and consume more alcohol than women. But also the control examinations play in the opinion of the experts here probably a role.

"While women regularly go to gynecological examinations at an early age, men usually seek medical attention only when they have symptoms - and even then, the initiative often starts with their women," explains the head of the University Department of Urology at MedUni Vienna AKH Vienna, Shahrokh Shariat.

Men should also take preventive medical examinations

The Head of the University Department of Urology therefore strongly recommends that men over the age of 45 take regular check-ups because the sooner carcinomas are detected, the better the chances of recovery. Nobody should be ashamed to visit a urologist here.

"For complaints, it is advisable to seek medical help as quickly as possible," says Shariat. The doctor's visit should not be postponed for a long time, because "a fulfilled sex life and urological precaution serve finally also the general well-being", explained the expert. According to Shariat, especially diseases of the prostate often have a massive effect on male self-esteem, because they are often associated with a loss of sexual performance.

Problems Urinating Hint on prostate cancer

As a possible indication of tumors of the prostate MedUni Wien calls constant urination with simultaneously decreasing urinary pressure. The complaints are often the result of a so-called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which, according to the experts as a benign enlargement in the prostate area is the most common reason for a visit to urologists. The affected people are usually severely limited in their quality of life, not only because urinating becomes a problem, but also because "a sick prostate affects male sexual life", according to the MedUni.

"The prostate is the emotional seat of masculinity, and in the case of disorders one often questions oneself. Men no longer feel like a man, "explained the Head of the University Department of Urology at MedUni Vienna.

Wide range of possible cancer signs

In addition to the above-mentioned complaints in the early stages of prostate cancer, numerous other cancer signs are known whose occurrence should be checked by a doctor. Here are as unspecific general symptoms primarily drastic loss of performance, chronic fatigue and a significant weight loss to call. Corresponding symptoms are observed, for example, in colon cancer, bone marrow cancer, kidney cancer or leukemia.

In particular, if performance loss, fatigue and weight loss occur simultaneously, a medical check should be carried out promptly. This is all the more true if further complaints in the respiratory, digestive and abdominal areas or at the neurological level are added.

Sudden weight loss can be a warning. (Image: max dallocco /

For example, swallowing problems, which occur more frequently in cancers of the larynx, esophagus or stomach, abdominal pain or nausea and vomiting are possible indications of cancer. Also, diarrhea, constipation, a bloated stomach, urinary retention or other disorders of urination (urination) and stool may be related to a cancer. In addition, blood in the urine or stool is to be evaluated as a warning signal.

Chronic respiratory complaints a warning sign

Persistent respiratory ailments such as chronic cough or smoker's cough in the worst case in the form of hemoptysis (hemoptysis) are also possible signs of cancer. However, the symptoms usually show only in the extremely advanced stage of bronchial carcinoma. This also applies to chest pain and shortness of breath, which can sometimes be seen here as conspicuous symptoms.

In the early stages of lung cancer, these often show unusual colds with strong, long-lasting cough. Hoarseness can also be a side effect of throat cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer. However, headaches may be evidence of bone marrow cancer or tumors directly in the brain. In particular, if further neurological impairments such as paralysis, dizziness, drowsiness, changes in personality, speech, visual or hearing impaired added, a doctor is promptly consulted. A particularly striking symptom of brain tumors are newly occurring epileptic seizures.

Changes in the appearance of the skin

Cancers of the skin can often be identified by the accompanying changes in the appearance of the skin, whereby, in addition to visually altered birthmarks, skin irritations, such as flaky, dry skin areas, should also be examined as possible indications of cancer. Above all dark, raised, growing liver spots with different coloring are here called by the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) as typical signs of the particularly dangerous black skin cancer.

Often initially without symptoms

In most cancers, however, the symptoms are only detectable when the disease is already well advanced, which is why the preventive care is given a special meaning here. However, the willingness of men to take part in these routine examinations is still relatively small to this day. It is therefore all the more important for those affected to be particularly cautious in all forms of unusual, recurring pain or other ailments and to consult a doctor at an early stage. (Sb, fp)