Killer Prevention Kale kale protects best against cancer

Killer Prevention Kale kale protects best against cancer / Health News
Scientists demonstrate a high content of cancer-preventing substances
Kale can obviously be much better at preventing cancer than other vegetables. This emerges from a recent study by the University of Oldenburg and Jacobs University in Bremen. Some kale species contain ten times more cancer-preventing substances than broccoli. This was previously considered the best vegetables for the prevention of cancer. The results of the study have now been published in the journal "Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry".

Healthy superfood
Kale has been very popular in northern Germany for decades, but was long regarded as a typical winter vegetable. Meanwhile, more and more hobby chefs are discovering the versatility of the local superfood and using it, for example. for healthy smoothies, kale pesto or salads. And it's worth it, because cabbage is one of the healthiest vegetables in the world, rich in vitamins and minerals, and low in calories.

Kale is a true vitamin bomb and, according to a new study, is particularly well-suited for the prevention of cancer. (Image: Jenifoto /

Experts are investigating 40 varieties of cabbage
But that's not all - apparently the cabbage can prevent cancer better than any other vegetable. This was confirmed by researchers from the University of Oldenburg and Jacobs University in Bremen. The team under the direction of the Oldenburg biologist Prof. dr. Dirk Albach and the Bremen chemist Prof. dr. Nikolai Kuhnert had investigated around 40 varieties of vegetables from Germany, Italy and the USA in search of the perfect kale. They came to an astonishing conclusion: "So far, broccoli was considered the best anti-cancer vegetable," according to Prof. Kuhnert, according to a statement from Jacobs University. "All the more it surprised us that some kale species contain ten times more cancer-preventing substances than broccoli."

North German species contain the most healthy mustard oils
These kale species would have the researchers for a high proportion of so-called "glucosinolates". These are plant-specific substances that protect kale from hungry caterpillars. When crushing the cabbage leaves ("stribbling") these substances are converted into mustard oils. "Some of these mustard oils have proven to be chemopreventive. So you can help prevent cancer, "explains Kuhnert. A particularly high proportion of the particularly healthy mustard oils, the experts could therefore prove in northern German kale species such as Frostara, Neuefehn or red palm.

Researchers want to develop new standard variety
Currently the biologist Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Albach and his team are busy crossing the tastiest and healthiest species to bring together the best qualities of different varieties. The aim is to develop a new curly kale variety, which could possibly establish itself as the standard on the market. "But the eating habits have to change as well, because the healthy ingredients are best preserved in salads," says Albach. (No)