Risk of cancer Dangerous substances in lip care sticks
Many women and some men always have a lip balm on hand. Consumers should exercise caution when choosing such products. Recent research has shown that certain pens may contain substances of concern. These could even be carcinogenic.
Harmful substances in lip care sticks
According to medical experts, one can even develop a kind of dependency through the frequent use of lip balms. Some people actually use them very often. This can also have a negative impact on health. Research by the consumer and business magazine "Markt" on NDR television shows that products from the market leaders "Labello" (Beiersdorf), "Blistex" (delta pronatura Dr. Krauss & Dr. Beckmann) and "Carmex" (DMV Diedrichs Markenvertrieb) contain questionable substances. According to data from a laboratory investigation, aromatic hydrocarbons from mineral oil (MOAH) and saturated hydrocarbons from mineral oil (MOSH) were found. MOAH are suspected to be carcinogenic and mutagenic, and MOSH may be deposited in the organs.
Safe or dangerous?
Dr. Konrad Grob, one of the leading European scientists in the field of mineral oil research, said in the report that the results were worrying. Although the manufacturers point out that they adhere to the law, the absorption through the skin is harmless and the products are safe. But according to the European Commission's Consumer Safety Committee (SCCS), the questionable ingredients enter the body via the lips. For example, if you consume an average amount of fat each year, you will have a lot of fat in your body, equivalent to four complete lip balms. According to the expert guidelines for cosmetics that are applied only to the skin, for lip care are not sufficient.
Carcinogenic substances
Dr. Roughly said, the pins would have to be treated according to the same criteria as food. The potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic MOAH should not be present in food, according to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The expert Dr. Grob warns of the slightest amount of carcinogenic substances. The result he considers not tolerable. According to the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), the absorption of mineral oils in cosmetics through the skin is rather without risk. In foods, however, the substances should be avoided as MOSH accumulate in the human body. The quantities found in the examined lip care sticks of "Labello", "Blistex" and "Carmex" are considered by the scientist Grob to be disturbing. If you want to be on the safe side, you can also make lip balm or other healing ointments yourself. (Ad)