Cancer detection Once a finger in the butt can save lives

Cancer detection Once a finger in the butt can save lives / Health News
30 seconds can save lives: what happens to the urologist?
Many men do not go to the urologist. Only about two in ten use regular checkups because they fear the famous "finger in the butt". But the examination takes only a few seconds, is painless and can detect prostate cancer.

If, on the other hand, a tumor is discovered too late and the tumor has already spread, it is hardly curable. Against this background, the strong sex should not behave like a "whiner" when it comes to visiting the urologist. To endure an uncomfortable feeling for 30 seconds is a low price for the safety offered by the examinations.

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As a rule, men should visit the urologist between the ages of 18 and 35 for a testicular examination. In this time, the possibility of getting testicular cancer is highest. From the age of 40 men with hereditary preloading should become a urologist. For all others, the 45th year of life is the time for regular check-ups. Special urine tests, blood analyzes, stool samples, palpation and ultrasound examinations detect malignant changes on the testes, prostate, kidneys and bladder at an early stage, thus offering good chances of complete recovery in the event of illness. To detect prostate cancer, prostate ultrasound from the intestine and a blood test (PSA) are reliable methods.

"The earlier a drug therapy, radiation or surgery is initiated, the better the chances of recovery," emphasizes the urologist Dr. med. med. Reinhold M. Schaefer. "In addition, it can be avoided in many cases, complications such as erectile dysfunction, incontinence or dialysis."

Basically, most of the time the urologist falls on the doctor's talk. The urologist asks about everything that is important to men's health: questions on general health, pre-existing conditions, family problems and acute symptoms such as problems with urination, erectile dysfunction or consequences of hormone deficiency are on his list. The following preventive examinations are not painful at all, thanks to the latest techniques and methods, and provide quick and reliable information about the state of health. In addition, the screening program of the statutory health insurance funds for men over the age of 45 also provides a prostate exam once a year. (Pm)