Cancer research Protects against liver cancer during regular coffee consumption

Cancer research Protects against liver cancer during regular coffee consumption / Health News
New findings on regular coffee consumption
Does regular consumption of coffee protect against liver cancer? A team of researchers examined whether there are differences in the risk of developing liver cancer among coffee drinkers and people who drink little or no coffee. The scientists found that people who drink coffee often have a reduced risk of developing liver cancer.

The international team of researchers investigated so-called biomarkers in the blood of participants in the current study. These could provide information on whether there are anti-inflammatory and cell-protecting mechanisms directly related to the consumption of coffee. The results of their current research, the researchers published by the German Institute for Nutritional Research (DifE) in the journal "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition".

Regular coffee consumption can significantly reduce the risk of liver cancer. (Image: amenic181 /

Four cups of coffee a day protect against liver cancer
People who drink about four cups of coffee or more each day (600ml) have a 75% reduced risk of developing liver cancers. This value refers to the comparison to people who only drink two cups of black watchmaker every day (less than 300ml). The team of scientists around Dr. med. Krasimira Aleksandrova and Professor Heiner Boeing conducted one of the largest European long-term nutrition studies (EPIC) on this topic. The results seem to support the claim that people who drink a lot of coffee on a regular basis have a reduced risk of developing liver cancer. In recent years, other researchers have performed various observational studies and meta-analyzes. Their observations would be consistent with the results of the current study, the researchers said in the study.

Researchers analyze 21 liver-relevant biomarkers
In the new study by the "DifE" researchers, special attention was paid to a possible connection and the influence of 21 liver-relevant biomarkers. The scientists hoped to learn more about the responsible biological mechanisms. For this purpose, the blood samples of 125 people were analyzed in the study. These subjects were diagnosed with liver cancer during the study. For comparison, 250 healthy participants were examined. Said blood samples were taken at the beginning of the study. Thus, the samples had already been performed 2.4 to 6.8 years before the onset of the first liver cancer symptoms, said the doctors. Until analyzed, all blood samples were stored at -196 ° C in liquid nitrogen.

High coffee consumption protects the liver from inflammation and cell damage
In the later investigation it was clear to the researchers that in particular three of the examined biomarkers play a special role. The messenger interleukin-6 and the two enzymes aspartate aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyltransferase are good indicators of the risk relationship of coffee and liver cancer. Interleukin-6 is involved in the regulation of inflammatory reactions. The two said enzymes may indicate damage to the liver cells. In addition, these enzymes also bile diseases easier to determine, added the doctors. The analysis of biomarkers would clearly demonstrate that there is a causal relationship between the daily consumption of coffee and the reduced risk of liver cancer. Based on the new findings, it can be assumed that coffee can really protect the liver against inflammation and cell damage, the lead author of the study said. Aleksandrova.

In 2012, research conducted during the EPIC study found that regular consumption of coffee was never associated with an increased risk of chronic disease. So if people can tolerate coffee well, from a health point of view, absolutely nothing against consuming a lot of coffee. But people should not feel compelled by the new results to drink as much coffee as possible every day.

The drinking of coffee should not become a duty, the black pick-me-up should be enjoyed, emphasizes Prof. Boeing. To ward off illnesses in general, it depends on the entire lifestyle of each person. It is important to lead a healthy life in general. People should not smoke, always eat enough fruit, vegetables and also fiber-rich cereals. Physical exercise is another important factor in positively influencing his health. In addition, care should always be taken to maintain a normal body weight. People who stick to all of these points and try to adjust their lives accordingly, have a significantly lower risk of developing liver cancer, said Prof. Boeing in the study. It is of course not possible to avoid any illnesses by a healthy lifestyle, but the personal risk of disease could at least be reduced, the scientist added. (As)