Risk of cancer Benzene in juices and baby glasses

Risk of cancer Benzene in juices and baby glasses / Health News

Contains toxic benzene in carrot juices and baby glasses


An investigation on behalf of the NDR magazine „market“ has in carrot juices. In carrot baby glasses and in supplemental juice „Sanostol“ toxic benzene detected. Already in April, a consumer magazine study had found the carcinogenic substance in soft drinks.

Dangerous substance also in baby food
Since 2005, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has warned against benzene in foods. Benzoic acid (E 210) is often used by the food industry as a preservative, especially in acidified foods. Loud „market“-Information is sodium benzoate, a salt form of benzoic acid, also found in heated carrot products.

Benzene is known for its cell damage and carcinogenic effects. So far, the authorities have set a limit only for drinking water. For juices and food from Babygläschen there is no information, although even the smallest amounts can be dangerous. "Benzene has been shown to be a carcinogenic compound that can cause cancer at extremely low levels, such as leukemia, and for those that have no limit values ​​that do not have tolerance levels, the minimization requirement applies," warns toxicologist Dr. Hermann Kruse. For drinking water, the limit is one microgram per liter.

Benzene is not only produced by the preservative sodium benzoate. Also in heated carrot products benzene is often to be found: So also in carrot juice from Schneekoppe and in the „Bio juice Pure carrot“ found by HIPP as well as in carrot porridge vials from seven different benzene manufacturers. The cause: Carrot juice and carrot paste are heated industrially. From preliminary stages of the carrot develops benzene. Since it is heated in closed vessels, it can not escape. After cooling, it remains in the food. (Fr)

Picture: Helene Souza