Headache or migraine Proper therapy important

Headache or migraine Proper therapy important / Health News
This is the best way to treat headaches
Around eight million people in Germany regularly suffer from headaches. Most of them then resort to over-the-counter analgesics, regardless of the cause of the condition. However, such remedies can sometimes exacerbate the problem.

Painkillers can cause pain
About eight million Germans suffer from recurrent headaches. Most of them then do not try to deal with home remedies for headaches, but take medicines that are usually available without a prescription at the pharmacy. However, excessive use of painkillers can cause permanent headaches. The Professional Association of German Nervous Physicians (BVDN) has recently pointed this out. On the occasion of the head pain on Saturday numerous health experts made attention on causes and treatment methods of the complaints.

Headaches can be alleviated in many ways. Image: Andrey Popov - fotolia

More kids and teens with a headache
The "Painless Initiative" has pointed out that over 80 percent of 12 to 19-year-olds have suffered from headaches over the past six months, according to new research. The triggers for the complaints can be quite different. According to experts, permanent multitasking leads to more headaches in schoolchildren. The simultaneous execution of various activities often leads to stress and tension. This in turn causes the unpleasant roar in the head. But also lack of drinking and too much stress are often causes of headaches in children, warns the professional association of paediatricians (BVKJ). The "Initiative Painless" has even more interesting facts about the subject and clarifies various myths.

Complaints from mobile phone radiation?
To the assumption that the radiation of mobile phones cause headaches, Dr. Astrid Gendolla, a physician who supports the initiative: "There is no study that would suggest that the 'radiation' from the normal use of cell phones or other electrical sources could contribute to headaches." Nevertheless, it is controversial among professionals, whether there is this phenomenon, which is also called electrosensitivity. Only a few days ago, a court in France awarded a woman compensation for WLAN radiation. The judges classed the plaintiff as incapacitated for work because, according to her own statements, she reacted with symptoms of illness to such radiation.

Staring at TV and computer
Another expert supporting the Painless Initiative, Raymund Pothmann, said that there are actually indications that extensive chewing gum over several hours a day is associated with more headaches: "For 'normal' chewing gum but this is not true." And Professor Stefan Evers said to the question whether the staring up TV or screen source of the pain can be: "A causal relationship could not be proven in studies, however, male headache teenagers spend more time playing on the PC than teenagers without a headache; but it is not clear what the consequences and what is the cause. "

Diet plays a smaller role
According to Evers, weather sensitivity is one of the most commonly reported triggers for migraine attacks. "However, no regularity has been found," said the physician. "While one reacts to high air pressure, the other responds to low air pressure." The diet is apparently much less likely to be the cause of a booming head than assumed. "There are very few substances that have been shown to cause migraine in some individuals" Raymund Pothmann. "Chocolate, cheese, nuts and citrus are not among them. About a quarter of migraine sufferers are sensitive to alcohol, most likely to French red wine. The flavor enhancer glutamate can also cause headaches in migraine sufferers. These are often not typical migraine attacks, but a dull headache that is different from migraine. "

Migraine is not a woman's thing
That migraine is a sheer woman thing, is not true. Dr. Astrid Gendolla said: "The inherited predisposition to migraine is equally distributed among women and men. Only between the ages of about 20 and 50 do women have two to three times more migraines than males, because the woman's special hormonal situation causes more attacks. "The neurologist also said:" In principle, it is not possible to have migraines heal. The predisposition lasts a lifetime, so that attacks can always occur, even if they are increasingly rare in most patients with increasing age. "As with other forms of headache, applies in migraine: Persistent painkillers lead to more attacks. Simple tricks against headaches are often more effective than drugs anyway. For example, a few drops of lemon balm are applied to a piece of sugar and taken a well-known home remedy for headache. Since stress is often the cause of headaches, relaxation exercises offer relief as a preventive measure to prevent the discomfort. (Ad)