Headache Quick help when the skull growls

Headache Quick help when the skull growls / Health News
Apothekerkammer Bremen on the right treatment for headaches
About 70 percent of all Germans occasionally suffer from headaches, and every tenth is even affected every week. "Headache is not the same as headache," says Dr. Richard Klämbt, President of the Apothekerkammer Bremen. "Most people are a tension headache. But also migraine and cluster headache are possible. Furthermore, there is the impairment of the abuse of drugs as a cause of headache. "

Headaches are uncomfortable and painful. But who knew that there are 250 different species? These are divided into two groups: primary and secondary headache. "In primary headaches, the disease is the pain itself. Since the system is inherited, sufferers often suffer from migraine or tension headaches," explains Klämbt. Headache as a concomitant with influenza or sinusitis belong in the second group. This includes the suffering caused by the abuse of medication, hypertension or meningitis. "The difference between the two forms is very important for the treatment," said the President of the Chamber. Painkillers would in some cases bring no relief.

A mild headache from stress can easily be treated by yourself. Picture: Picture-Factory - fotolia

Different treatment options
Anyone who suffers from migraine requires targeted treatment by the doctor. If the diagnosis is secured, patients can also receive over-the-counter painkillers such as triptans in the pharmacy. But again and again occurring cold or hormonal headache, discomfort in diseases of the cervical spine or cluster headache should be clarified by the family doctor. Especially the latter requires medical attention, as it is a rare, sudden headache disease with unilateral very severe attacks of pain in the temples and eyes. "In most cases, these are tension headaches that occasionally occur. Characteristic of this is an oppressive to drawing pain throughout the head. The pain can be treated well and quickly, "says Klämbt. Often also helps fresh air or a balance of lack of fluids by drinking plenty.

On the other hand, prescription-free medicines such as ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid or paracetamol are suitable for the treatment of mild ailments, but the pharmacy can also offer combined preparations that can also contain caffeine. The selection of a suitable drug should always be patient-specific, and "in principle, the drugs should not be taken for more than three days in a row," warns the pharmacist. "If the headache is still there after that, it's a good idea to go to the doctor."

Get to the bottom of the cause
To do something about headaches in general, changing your lifestyle can help. For example, the renunciation of alcohol, cigarettes and coffee. Regular, and above all, even sleep brings the body the necessary rest - as well as reducing stress. "A headache diary may be useful to find out when exactly and in what context the symptoms occur," says Klämbt. This could include too many appointments as well as persistent noise, family conflicts or certain foods. (Pm)