Headache migraine app for smartphones

Headache migraine app for smartphones / Health News

Control headaches: migraine app for smartphones


For smartphones, new applications are appearing to support the treatment of various diseases and promote health in general. One of these new apps is now dedicated to the topic of migraine and should help to better control the onset of headache episodes.

The migraine app allows the affected person to precisely record factors such as the events, side effects and the intensity of headache attacks, so that they can be taken into account in the context of medical treatment. It also provides users with information on possible preventive measures and helpful non-drug treatment options for migraine relapses.

Migraine app for recording the headache
Smartphone applications like the free one „Migraine Diary“ The pharmaceutical manufacturer Acis offer a relatively simple method to record the course of the disease and possibly influence it positively. In addition, the stored data can also be passed on directly to the attending physician. With the help of the migraine app, those affected determine when and under which circumstances they will suffer a migraine attack. Date, time of day and duration are logged exactly. A slider allows you to specify pain intensity, and in a graph, patients can also record where the headache is located. It is also possible to record other migraine symptoms such as blurred vision, tiredness, nausea and vomiting. Typical migraine risk factors such as excessive stress, weather fluctuations or certain foods are also queried. In addition, patients can freely formulate individual complaints in a designated area. If those affected are already taking medicines for their migraine attacks, they can also record this in the migraine app, whereby the dosage and dosage form are also queried.

Migraine Diary offers benefits for patients and doctors
Migraine diaries are nothing new and have been recommended for migraine sufferers for years. The migraine app takes this as a model, but simplifies the storage and evaluation of the data. The information does not have to be put on paper and the statistical analysis takes over the smartphone or the tablet computer. Not only will the sufferers be offered a presentation of their headache attacks in the calendar, but they can also use the migraine app to understand the average intensity of the seizures, frequent side effects and recurring triggers such as weather fluctuations, stress or certain foods. Also, the data obtained the migraine app can be passed directly to a doctor and provide this important for the diagnosis or treatment hints. The exact recording of the events and symptoms offers the doctors here much more starting points, as the simple description of the complaints by affected patients. Thus, the new app could possibly bring in the future also in migraine therapy significant benefits.

Migraines are relatively easy to treat today?
Already today, according to the experts of the German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG) many migraine patients can be helped. Although not only with drugs in the context of acute therapy and prophylaxis clear successes are achieved, but also simple measures such as regular walking or jogging quite a positive effect. In addition, naturopathy offers different options for migraine treatment, whereby, for example, in the past, therapeutic successes have already been achieved with excretory methods, biofeedback, fasting, homeopathy, osteopathy and acupuncture. Due to their stress-reducing effect, measures such as relaxation exercises, autogenic training or tai chi are also considered as migraine preventive. (Fp)

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