Capitation unfair, unsocial and useless

Capitation unfair, unsocial and useless / Health News

Rössler's capitation: unfair, unsocial and useless.

(02.06.2010) „The people solidarity rejects the now announced plans for a capitation of 30 euros from 2011 decided from.“ This was stated by the Federal Director of the Social and Welfare Association, Volkssolidarität, Dr. med. Bernd Niederlande, on Wednesday, on a concept presented by Federal Minister of Health Rösler for the introduction of a health premium from 2011. „The Federal Minister of Health is apparently concerned with enforcing a system change away from the solidarity principle to the privatization of health care costs at all costs. The minister's model amounts to making the financing of health care costs more unjust and unsocial. For the benefit of the patients and the insured it is useless and thus superfluous.“

The Rösler model was "unfair, because the growing health costs are increasingly relocated to patients and the insured," criticized Netherlands. "They already contribute about 60 percent of health care costs today, while employers' share has dropped to 40 percent, and with the introduction of a small capitation from 2011 onwards, this imbalance will be aggravated.

Unsocial is the Rösler model, because low-income earners are first charged more than those with high incomes. This is especially for low-income earners, pensioners, the unemployed, students and apprentices disadvantage. You will not have more, but less net of gross. In the future you may ask your health insurance company for a reduction in contributions. Many insured will not automatically receive a compensation, but according to previously unclear criteria for petitioners. Experience in the Netherlands and Switzerland shows that the proportion of those in need of support is constantly growing there.

Unnütz is the model of the Federal Minister of Health, because it does not enable sustainable and future-oriented financing of the statutory health insurance (SHI). Although the Rösler premium is supposed to bring in 18 billion euros in addition. However, since the contribution rate should be lowered at the same time, because no social compensation from tax revenue is possible, this operation will bring in net only five billion euros. That's not even enough to even cover the 11 billion euro deficit expected for 2011 in any way. In addition, the introduction of the Rösler model with 250 million euros bureaucracy costs is to be expected. "The bottom line is that even this capitation model is superfluous and should be buried as quickly as possible, said the federal executive. (Pm )

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