Head mushroom discovered at several schools in Bonn

Head mushroom discovered at several schools in Bonn / Health News
Unpleasant head mushroom spreads in Bonn
In Bonn, 14 children are suffering from a head mushroom and several other suspected cases are still under investigation. As a precaution, the city administration has informed all kindergartens, schools and children and youth institutions about the head mushroom cases.

So far, 14 proven cases of head mushrooms have been registered at the health department of the city of Bonn. In addition to the Montessori children's home and the Carl-Schurz-Grundschule, two further elementary schools (one case each) are affected. At first the city did not want to announce which elementary schools it is. Although both school managements are already informed, the teachers, their employees and parents should still be informed in the short term. Subsequently, the city will announce which elementary schools are affected. A closure of the schools is not provided.

For the head mushroom special shampoo cures are used. Image: cirquedesprit / fotolia.com

Mushroom is not a serious health risk
Although the fungus Microsporum audouinii does not pose any serious health risks, skin irritations in the form of reddening and increased dandruff, as well as severe itching and possibly hair loss, are possible consequences of the fungal infection. The problem is above all the relatively easy transferability. The head mushroom is passed on by contact with afflicted hairs. Head and hair contact can hardly be avoided when cuddling, which is why infected children often pass on the mushrooms. Also, by exchanging hats or caps the fungus can be transferred. According to the city of Bonn, "it can not be ruled out that the - not dangerous - head mushroom could also be present in other places."

Other suspected cases are being investigated
An overview of the entire head mushroom infections is not available to the city, because there is no obligation to report the fungal infection. So it could be "that it is not recognized elsewhere or at least not reported diseases," says the city administration. Of the 14 cases detected so far, according to the official announcement, seven were attributed to the Montessori Children's Home and one to the Carl Schurz Primary School. In addition, three adults, one toddler and one child each of the two as yet unnamed primary schools were tested positive. "In addition, there are five cases of suspicion (two adults, three children)", according to the announcement of the city of Bonn. In the short term written information about the illness was sent to all kindergartens, schools and child and youth facilities. The information sheet will also be made available on the homepage of the City of Bonn.

To treat a head mushroom infection, an antifungal shampoo treatment is usually used externally and internally antifungals with various active ingredients are used. In this case, it is important to continue the therapy for as long as the fungus is completely eliminated in order to prevent its re-spreading. Overall, the mushroom can be treated relatively reliably today, provided that there is a corresponding medical diagnosis. (Fp)

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