Headline rate meets clear rejection

Headline rate meets clear rejection / Health News

Headline rate meets clear rejection

According to a study carried out by the Institut Faktenkontor and Toluna on behalf of the Handelsblatt, 80% of the German population is clearly opposed to a so-called „capitation“, i.e. four out of five respondents refuse to restructure the healthcare system.

But despite this clear result, many may wonder what exactly is behind the „capitation“ hides: with the term „capitation“ is called a "reform" of the statutory health insurance, which is to be implemented step by step starting from next year according to the coalition agreement between CDU and FDP and pursues the goal of replacing the previous income-dependent contributions by a flat-rate remuneration system. In plain English this means: Everyone pays the same, no matter how much he earns, or in other words: The nurse pays as much as the head doctor and the caretaker as much as the CEO. „Crazy world“ One thinks oneself, and at the same time poses the question, who should benefit from such an insane and apparently unjust system. The answer is obvious: the one who has a lot of money or earns, because the separation of contributions from income in these cases means a huge financial relief in the long term. Losers in this game are once again the ones who earn little because compared to the current cost is paid neatly
Need to become.

The idea that this model can not work in principle, without a large number of new needy people
but seems to have been thought of black / yellow so far only marginally. Thus, although a tax-financed social compensation for low-income insured is planned, as this, however, in view of the already heavily burdened state budget exactly let alone work is not yet clarified and within the governing coalition also very controversial.

But whatever that reform will look like in the end, the consequences are already clear: Higher costs for a large number of insured and a growing two-class medicine. Even today, medical care is no longer the same for all, and studies have shown that the life expectancy of people on high incomes averages ten years more than that of low-income people.

However, instead of taking action here and providing good and equitable medical care for all people, the planned reform will be particularly effective for „low income“ not to be underestimated financial burdens arise and the two-class medicine for more and more people to become a reality. (23.01.2010)