Complementary medicine in cancer treatment

Project investigates alternative methods in cancer
Methods of complementary medicine can have a positive effect on the treatment of cancer and are desired by many patients. The interdisciplinary joint project KOKON (Competence Network Complementary Medicine in Oncology) will now discuss the possibilities of natural medicine in cancer therapy.
The aim of the research project "KOKON" is to secure standards for informing and advising patients regarding the possibilities of complementary medicine in cancer therapy. The three-year project is funded by the German Cancer Aid with 2.5 million euros. The focus is not only on an evaluation of the current state of research, but also the interests of the patients should be considered. Furthermore, the scientists involved are looking for suitable ways to best pass on sound knowledge of complementary medicine to patients, therapists and consultants.
Interdisciplinary research project on complementary medicine in oncology
The interdisciplinary research project includes the Rostock University Medical Center, the University Medical Center Eppendorf (UKE), the Nuremberg Clinic, the Berlin Charité, the University Hospital Frankfurt / Main, the Freiburg Tumor Biology Center and the Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research at the University Involved in Hamburg. Spokesman of the joint project is Dr. med. Markus Horneber from the Nuremberg Clinic. At the University of Rostock the project of Dr. med. Hans Lampe, a doctor of internal medicine, hematology and oncology, who also works with Chinese universities to focus on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Just last month, Dr. Christian Schmincke, Director of the Clinic at Steigerwald, general practitioner and TCM expert, referred to the benefit of accompanying treatment with traditional Chinese medicine in cancer patients.
Approaches of naturopathy in cancer therapy are investigated
Like Dr. Lampe reported in the communication of the University Medical Center Rostock, the new joint project KOKON is directly oriented towards the interests of the patients. Because "60 to 80 percent of cancer patients want to contribute by complementary measures to their own healing," said the expert. Most of those affected think, according to Dr. Lamp on methods of natural medicine, such as mistletoe therapy, homeopathy, the use of dietary supplements or vitamins. However, the therapist is rarely talked about with the therapist. Comprehensive information is, however, essential, as the alternative means not only have a positive effect, but may also mitigate the effects of chemotherapy. "Properly used", the effect of the therapy can be "strengthened" with methods of naturopathy, "Dr. Lamp. In principle, however, "there is no remedy that is always good or bad," which doctors have to address openly, as "some alternative or supplemental active ingredients may also have a negative effect on therapy," explained the expert.
Examples of the positive effects of natural remedies in cancer therapy are mentioned in the Communication of the Rostock University Medical Center "Sport, Natural Medicine, Meditation and Relaxation Techniques". "When patients change their way of dealing with the disease, they usually get through the difficult times of diagnosis and therapy," Dr. Lampe another positive aspect of complementary medicine. "With this joint project initiated and supported by us, the German Cancer Aid meets the wishes of many cancer patients to also deal with complementary and unconventional healing methods," added the Chief Executive of the German Cancer Aid, Gerd Nettekoven.
It is an explicit goal of the large project, the creation of a user-friendly "platform for patients, nurses and physicians to gather and pass on information in the field of complementary medicine." For this purpose in the three major involved oncology centers Rostock, Nuremberg and Hamburg in In the framework of the project, a consultancy network has been developed that people can turn to in order to obtain scientifically sound information on the possibilities of complementary medicine in the treatment of cancer. In this way, "communicative gaps are closed and the medical procedures of cancer patients are placed on a secure basis". lamp.
The German Cancer Aid expects from the results of the research project a scientifically sound analysis of common methods and concepts of complementary medicine in Germany. Here, standards for information and counseling, which are secured throughout Germany for complementary medicine, are to be derived, which are equally useful for those affected and treated. "We want reliable information and training for patients, doctors and nurses in oncology," said the spokesman of the "KOKON" research project, Dr. med. Markus Horneber, doctor at the Clinic for Oncology and Hematology of the Nuremberg Clinic.
As part of this research project, the Hans Bredow Institute of the University of Hamburg is investigating the medial presence of complementary medical treatment procedures in cancer medicine as well as their perception and evaluation from the patient's point of view. "In addition to an analysis of print, television and Internet offerings, qualitative interviews are conducted with patients in different phases of the disease," reports the Hans Bredow Institute in its own press release. Also the speaker of the overall project Horneber explained that a large Q & A session, in which the needs of patients and specialist groups should be accurately identified, is an essential first step. (Fp)
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Image: S. Hofschlaeger /